project QadFinancials > class BBillReport > method SetDataItemsBasesOnFilterTT


Find all filter-parameters and assign them to the correct data-item.


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BBillReport.BillReportDInvoice

program code (program1/bbillreport.p)

/* =================================================================== */
/* Find all filter-parameters and assign them to the correct data-item */
/* =================================================================== */

/* ================================================================================ */                                                                               
/*   |  Criteria for the From - To filters:                                         */
/*   |  no values -> first - last (Query will take care of this)                    */
/*   0  From value + To blank -> Programmer will have to set To-value to From Value */
/* ================================================================================ */

/* ======================== */                              
/* Initialise all variables */
/* ======================== */
assign vtIssuedDate = ?
        viBillNumber = ?
        vcDebtorCodeFilter = ?
        viEmployeeIDFilter = ?
        viBillYearFilter = ?
        viBillNumberFromFilter = ?
        viBillNumberToFilter = ?
        vtBillDateFromFilter = ?
        vtBillDateToFilter = ?
        vcPrintTypeFilter = ?
        vcBankAccountCode = ?
        vcBankAccountType = ?
        vcBillCurrency = ?
        vcBillScheduleCode = ?
        vcPaymentType = ?
        vcDInvoiceType = ?
        vcPrintTypeFilter = ?
        vdPaymentAmt = ?
        vdPreviousBalance = ?
        vdSalesAmt = ?
        vtBillClosingDate = ?
        vtDInvoiceDate = ?
        vtPaymentDate = ?
        vcDebtorAddress = ?
        vdSalesTax = ?
        vdSalesTotalAmt = ?
        vcBusinessRelationName = ?
        vcBusinessRelationID = ?
        vdDInvoiceBalance = ?
        vdDInvoiceOriginalBalance = ?
        vdDInvoiceVatBalance = ?
        vdDInvoiceVatExchangeRate = ?
        vcBankNumber = ?
        vcBankNumberBranch = ?
        vcDebtorCodeFilter = ?
        vcDDocumentReference = ?
        viDDocument_ID = ?
        vtPostingDate = ?
        vcGLTransaction = ?
        vcPaymentTarget = ?
        vcPaymentInstrument = ?
        vcDInvoiceReference = ?
        vcBillStatusFilter = ?
        vcCompanyName = ?
        vcCompanyAddress = ?
        vcContactInfo = ?.

for each tFilter:
    case tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName:
        /* ================== */
        /* Customer Cando     */
        /* ================== */
        when "Customer_CANDO":U
        then assign vcDebtorCodeFilter = tFilter.tcParameterValue
                    tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDebtor.DebtorCode':U no-error.

        /* ================== */
        /* Employee Code      */
        /* ================== */
        when "EmployeeCode":U
        then do:        
             <Q-14 run EmployeePrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                (input ?, (EmployeeId)
                 input tFilter.tcParameterValue, (EmployeeCode)
                 input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
                 output dataset tqEmployeePrim) in BEmployee>
            find tqEmployeePrim where tqEmployeePrim.tcEmployeeCode = tFilter.tcParameterValue no-error.
            if available tqEmployeePrim
            then assign viEmployeeIDFilter      = tqEmployeePrim.tiEmployee_ID
                    tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tBill.Employee_ID':U
                    tFilter.tcParameterValue    = string(tqEmployeePrim.tiEmployee_ID)
                    tFilter.tcDataType          = "i":U
                    tFilter.tcOperator          = "=":U.

        /* ================== */
        /* Bill Year          */
        /* ================== */
        when "Year":U
        then assign viBillYearFilter = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) 
                    tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tBill.BillYear':U no-error.

        /* ================== */
        /* Bill Number From-To*/
        /* ================== */
        when "Number_RANGE":U
        then if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
             then assign viBillNumberFromFilter = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) 
                         tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tBill.BillCode':U no-error.
             else if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
                  then assign viBillNumberToFilter = int(tFilter.tcParameterValue) 
                              tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tBill.BillCode':U no-error.

        /* ================== */
        /* Bill Date From-To  */
        /* ================== */
        when "BillDate_RANGE":U
        then if tFilter.tcOperator = ">=":U
             then assign vtBillDateFromFilter = date(int(substring(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 5, 2,"CHARACTER":U)), int(substring(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 7, 2,"CHARACTER":U)), int(substring(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 1, 4,"CHARACTER":U))) 
                         tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tBill.BillDate':U no-error.
             else if tFilter.tcOperator = "<=":U
                  then assign vtBillDateToFilter = date(int(substring(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 5, 2,"CHARACTER":U)), int(substring(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 7, 2,"CHARACTER":U)), int(substring(tFilter.tcParameterValue, 1, 4,"CHARACTER":U))) 
                              tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tBill.BillDate':U no-error.
        /* ================== */
        /* Print Type         */
        /* ================== */
        when "PrintType":U
        then do:
            assign vcPrintTypeFilter = tFilter.tcParameterValue
                   tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tBill.BillStatus':U no-error.

            if vcPrintTypeFilter = {&BILLREPORTTYPE-TESTPRINT} or
               vcPrintTypeFilter = {&BILLREPORTTYPE-CONFIRMPRINT}
            then assign tFilter.tcParameterValue = {&BILLSTATUS-INITIAL}
                        vcBillStatusFilter       = {&BILLSTATUS-INITIAL}.
            else if vcPrintTypeFilter = {&BILLREPORTTYPE-REPRINT}
            then assign tFilter.tcParameterValue = {&BILLSTATUS-CONFIRM}
                        vcBillStatusFilter       = {&BILLSTATUS-CONFIRM} + "," + {&BILLSTATUS-CLOSED}.

        /* ================== */
        /* Print Type         */
        /* ================== */
        When "PrintWithItemDetails":U then
            assign vlPrintWithItemDetailsFilter = logical(tFilter.tcParameterValue).

/* Validate Print Type */
if vcPrintTypeFilter = ? or 
   vcPrintTypeFilter = '':U
then do:
    <M-35 run SetMessage
       (input  #T-6'The Print Type field is mandatory.':255(115128269)T-6# (icMessage), 
        input  '':U (icArguments), 
        input  '':U (icFieldName), 
        input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
        input  'E':U (icType), 
        input  3 (iiSeverity), 
        input  ? (icRowid), 
        input  'qadfin-679272':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
        input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
        input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
        input  '':U (icFcContext), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBillReport>
    assign oiReturnStatus = -1.

if vcPrintTypeFilter = {&BILLREPORTTYPE-REPRINT} then
    if (viBillNumberFromFilter = 0 or 
       viBillNumberFromFilter = ?) and
       (viBillNumberToFilter = 0 or 
       viBillNumberToFilter = ?) and
       vtBillDateFromFilter = ? and
       vtBillDateToFilter   = ? then
        <M-73 run SetMessage
           (input  trim(#T-56'You must enter a bill number or bill date when reprinting bills.':255(904370345)T-56#) (icMessage), 
            input  '':U (icArguments), 
            input  '':U (icFieldName), 
            input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
            input  'E':U (icType), 
            input  3 (iiSeverity), 
            input  ? (icRowid), 
            input  'qadfin-818461':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
            input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
            input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
            input  '':U (icFcContext), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBillReport>
        assign oiReturnStatus = -2.
