project QadFinancials > class BBill > method GetDInvoiceFromBillQuery
Setup the search condition in tFilter table.
itInvoiceDateFrom | input | date | |
itInvoiceDateTo | input | date | |
icDebtorList | input | character | |
icEmployeeCode | input | character | |
icCurrencyCode | input | character | |
icInvoiceRefFrom | input | character | |
icInvoiceRefTo | input | character | |
ilIsAllEntities | input | logical | |
icActivityCode | input | character | |
iiBill_ID | input | integer | |
iiDInvoice_ID | input | integer | |
tInnerQueryDinvoiceForBill | output | temp-table | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program4/bbill.p)
empty temp-table tFilter.
empty temp-table tInnerQueryDinvoiceForBill.
if icActivityCode <> 'Create' and
icActivityCode <> 'SetBillDate'
then do:
/* Bill ID */
if iiBill_ID <> 0
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDInvoice.Bill_ID':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'i':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(iiBill_ID).
/* DInvoice ID */
if iiDInvoice_ID <> 0
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'iiDInvoice_ID':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'i':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(iiDInvoice_ID).
else do:
/* DebtorList */
if icDebtorList <> ? and
icDebtorList <> ''
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDebtor.DebtorCode':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = 'can-do':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = icDebtorList.
/* Collector */
if icEmployeeCode <> ? and
icEmployeeCode <> ''
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tEmployee.EmployeeCode':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = icEmployeeCode.
/* Currency */
if icCurrencyCode <> ? and
icCurrencyCode <> ''
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tCurrency.CurrencyCode':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = icCurrencyCode.
/* Invoice Reference */
if (icInvoiceRefFrom <> ? and icInvoiceRefFrom <> '') or
(icInvoiceRefTo <> ? and icInvoiceRefTo <> '')
then do:
if icInvoiceRefFrom = icInvoiceRefTo
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.DInvoiceDescription':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = icInvoiceRefFrom.
else do:
if icInvoiceRefFrom <> '' and icInvoiceRefFrom <> ?
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.DInvoiceDescription':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '>=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = icInvoiceRefFrom.
if icInvoiceRefTo <> '' and icInvoiceRefTo <> ?
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.DInvoiceDescription':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '<=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = icInvoiceRefTo.
/* Invoice Ref Date From */
if itInvoiceDateFrom <> ?
then do:
assign vctempDate = string(year(itInvoiceDateFrom)) + string(month(itInvoiceDateFrom), "99") + string(day(itInvoiceDateFrom), "99").
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'itDInvoiceRefDateFrom':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 't':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = vctempDate.
/* Invoice Ref Date To */
if itInvoiceDateTo <> ?
then do:
assign vctempDate = string(year(itInvoiceDateTo)) + string(month(itInvoiceDateTo), "99") + string(day(itInvoiceDateTo), "99").
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'itDInvoiceRefDateTo':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 't':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = vctempDate.
/* Is All Entities */
if ilIsAllEntities = no
then do:
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'iiCompanyId':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'i':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(viCompanyId).
/* Bill ID */
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.Bill_ID':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'i':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(0).
if icActivityCode = 'Create' or icActivityCode = 'SetBillDate' then
/* DInvoice is open
When the invoice was paid, we still need to see the invoice on Bill View/Moidfy/Delete
So for other activity, we do not need to add the isopen condition */
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.DInvoiceIsOpen':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'l':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '=':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = string(yes).
/* DInvoice Type*/
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.DinvoiceType ':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '<>':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = {&INVOICETYPE-PREPAYMENT}.
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.DinvoiceType ':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '<>':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = {&INVOICETYPE-ADJUSTMENT}.
create tFilter.
assign tFilter.tcBusinessFieldName = 'tDinvoice.DinvoiceType ':U
tFilter.tcDataType = 'c':U
tFilter.tcOperator = '<>':U
tFilter.tcParameterValue = {&INVOICETYPE-DEDUCTION}.
/* The API Query will retrieve the data from PostingHist table*/
<Q-71 run api/bbillquery/dinvoiceforbill.p
(input ? (icApiLogin),
input ? (icApiPassword),
input ? (icApiExtra),
input viSessionID (iiApiSessionId),
input 'A':U (icRange),
input ? (icRowid),
input 0 (iiRowNum),
input 0 (iiNumber),
input '':U (icSortColumns),
input false (ilCountOnly),
input yes (ilForwardRead),
input 0 (iiMaximumBrowseRecordsToCount),
input dataset tFilter (izFilterDS),
output viQueryCount (oiCount),
output vlEndofQuery (olEndOfQuery),
output dataset tInnerQueryDinvoiceForBill (ozResultsetDS),
output dataset tFcMessages (ozFcMessagesDS),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus))>