project QadFinancials > class BBankImportLine > method GetBankImpLineByFilter


This method gets BankImpLine records by input filters and merges them into tBankImpLineRef; duplicate records are excluded


icFileNameinputcharacterBank Import File Name
icDiretioninputcharacterTransaction Direction: IN or OUT
icBankNumberinputcharacterOwn Bank Number
itTransFrominputdateTransaction Date from
itTransToinputdateTransaction Date to
itUploadFrominputdateUpload Date from
itUploadToinputdateUpload Date to
tBankImpLineRefoutputtemp-tableReferenced Bank Import Line
tBankImpLineLogRefoutputtemp-tableReferenced Bank Import Line Log
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BBankImportLineProcess.GetBankImpLineByFilter

program code (program3/bbankimportline.p)

/* =================================================================================================== */
/* Method      : GetBankImpLineByFilter                                                                */
/* Desc        : This method gets BankImpLine records by input filters and merges them into            */
/*               tBankImpLineRef; duplicate records are excluded                                       */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Params:  (I)  icFileName          File Name of Bank Import                                          */
/*          (I)  icDirection         Transaction Direction                                             */
/*          (I)  icBankNumber        Own Bank Number                                                   */
/*          (I)  icActions           Actions                                                           */
/*          (I)  itTransFrom         Transaction Date from                                             */
/*          (I)  itTransTo           Transaction Date to                                               */
/*          (I)  itUploadFrom        Upload Date from                                                  */
/*          (I)  itUploadTo          UPload Date to                                                    */
/*          (O)  BankImpLineRef      Bank Import Line                                                  */ 
/*          (O)  BankImpLineLogRef   Bank Import Line Log                                              */ 
/* =================================================================================================== */

/* Validation for action */
if icActions = "":U
then do:
    assign vcMessage  = trim(#T-8'You must select at least one action type to retrieve imported bank transactions.':255(68546)t-8#).
    <M-7 run SetMessage
       (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
        input  '':U (icArguments), 
        input  '':U (icFieldName), 
        input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
        input  'E':U (icType), 
        input  3 (iiSeverity), 
        input  '':U (icRowid), 
        input  'QadFin-7683':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
        input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
        input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
        input  '':U (icFcContext), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
    assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
end. /* end of if icActions = "":U */

/* ============================================================================================ */
/* Set proper value for TRANSDIRECTION-ALL when user choose "All"                               */
/* The reason why not set empty string value for it in pre-preprocessors is if we do that,      */
/* A UI error message pops up when swithch to it in the drop down list (#Defect ID: 10249-0117  */
/* ============================================================================================ */
if icDiretion = {&TRANSDIRECTION-ALL} then assign icDiretion = "":U.
/* call query to get Bank Import Line by filters */
<Q-1 run BankImpLineByBankImp (all) (Read) (NoCache)
   (input icFileName, (FileName)
    input icDiretion, (TransDirection)
    input icBankNumber, (OwnBankNumber)
    input icActions, (Actions)
    input itTransFrom, (TransFromDate)
    input itUploadFrom, (UploadFromDate)
    input itTransTo, (TransToDate)
    input itUploadTo, (UploadToDate)
    output dataset tqBankImpLineByBankImp) in BBankImportLine >
assign viCnt = 0.
for each tqBankImpLineByBankImp: 
    /* only create new record for those line record that not exist in ref table */
    find first tBankImpLineRef where tBankImpLineRef.BankImpLine_ID = tqBankImpLineByBankImp.tiBankImpLine_ID 
    if not available tBankImpLineRef 
    then do:
        create tBankImpLineRef.
        <M-2 run BufferCopy
           (input  buffer tqBankImpLineByBankImp:handle (ihFrom), 
            input  buffer tBankImpLineRef:handle (ihTo), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
        /* get the correct row_id for tBankImpLineRef; this helps to establish correct relationship on UI grid */
        assign tBankImpLineRef.tc_ParentRowid = entry(2, tBankImpLineRef.tc_Rowid)
               tBankImpLineRef.tc_Rowid       = entry(1, tBankImpLineRef.tc_Rowid).

        /* save the line ID to list for getting log */
        if lookup(string(tqBankImpLineByBankImp.tiBankImpLine_ID), vcBankImpLineIDList, ',':U) = 0
        then do :                
            assign vcBankImpLineIDList = if vcBankImpLineIDList = "":U
                                         then string(tqBankImpLineByBankImp.tiBankImpLine_ID)
                                         else vcBankImpLineIDList + ',':U + string(tqBankImpLineByBankImp.tiBankImpLine_ID)
                   viCnt = viCnt + 1.
            if viCnt > 100
            then do:  
               /* now load log record by imp line id list */
                <Q-26 run BankImpLineLogByImpLine (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                   (input vcBankImpLineIDList, (BankImpLineIdList)
                    output dataset tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine) in BBankImportLine>
                for each tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine:
                    /* only buffer copy those log record not in ref table */
                    find first tBankImpLineLogRef where 
                               tBankImpLineLogRef.BankImpLineLog_ID = tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine.tiBankImpLineLog_ID
                    if not available tBankImpLineLogRef
                    then do:             
                        create tBankImpLineLogRef.
                        <M-92 run BufferCopy
                           (input  buffer tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine:handle (ihFrom), 
                            input  buffer tBankImpLineLogRef:handle (ihTo), 
                            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
                        assign tBankImpLineLogRef.tc_ParentRowid = entry(2, tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine.tc_rowid)
                               tBankImpLineLogRef.tc_Rowid       = entry(1, tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine.tc_rowid).
                    end. /* end of if not available tBankImpLineLogRef */                    
                end. /* for each tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine */                
                assign viCnt = 0
                       vcBankImpLineIDList = ''.
            end. /* if viCnt > 100 */                
        end. /* lookup(string(tqBankImpLineByBankImp.tiBankImpLine_ID), vcBankImpLineIDList, ',':U) = 0 */
    end. /* end of if not available */
end. /* end of for each tqBankImpLineByBankImp */

/* Read the remaining Log Lines */
if viCnt > 0
then do:     
    /* now load log record by imp line id list */
    <Q-9 run BankImpLineLogByImpLine (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input vcBankImpLineIDList, (BankImpLineIdList)
        output dataset tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine) in BBankImportLine >
    for each tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine:
        /* only buffer copy those log record not in ref table */
        find first tBankImpLineLogRef where 
                   tBankImpLineLogRef.BankImpLineLog_ID = tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine.tiBankImpLineLog_ID
        if not available tBankImpLineLogRef
        then do:             
            create tBankImpLineLogRef.
            <M-6 run BufferCopy
               (input  buffer tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine:handle (ihFrom), 
                input  buffer tBankImpLineLogRef:handle (ihTo), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankImportLine>
            assign tBankImpLineLogRef.tc_ParentRowid = entry(2, tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine.tc_rowid)
                   tBankImpLineLogRef.tc_Rowid       = entry(1, tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine.tc_rowid).
        end. /* end of if not available tBankImpLineLogRef */
    end. /* for each tqBankImpLineLogByImpLine  */
end. /* if viCnt > 0 */