project QadFinancials > class BBankImportLine > method AdditionalUpdates


This empty method allows to do additional updates on class temp-tables after records were received (and validated) from outside, using method SetPublicTables.
You can start instances of other business classes to do those updates.



Internal usage

method BBankImportLine.ValidateBCAndAdditionalUpdates
method BBankImportLine.UpdateBankImportLineStatusAndLog

program code (program/bbankimportline.p)


/* ======================================================================= */
/* Validate the table to check if debtor/creditor name and code changed    */
/* ======================================================================= */
assign vlCodeNameChanged = false.
/* defect 10249-0227 we now create remittance address whenever user changed supplier/customer code/name on UI */ 
for each tBankImpLine where 
         tBankImpLine.tc_Status <> 'D':U                                                 and
         tBankImpLine.BankImpLineProcessedStatus <> {&BANKIMPPROCSTATUS-PROCESSED-ERROR} and
       ((tBankImpLine.Debtor_ID              > 0      and
         tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorCode <> "":U   and
         tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorName <> "":U ) or
        (tBankImpLine.Creditor_ID            > 0      and
         tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorCode <> "":U and
         tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorName <> "":U )) :
    find first tBankImpLineOrig where tBankImpLineOrig.BankImpLine_ID          =  tBankImpLine.BankImpLine_ID          and
                                    ((tBankImpLine.Debtor_ID                   > 0                                     and
                                     (tBankImpLineOrig.BankImpLineDebtorCode   <> tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorCode   or
                                      tBankImpLineOrig.BankImpLineDebtorName   <> tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorName)) or
                                     (tBankImpLine.Creditor_ID                 > 0                                     and
                                     (tBankImpLineOrig.BankImpLineCreditorCode <> tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorCode or
                                      tBankImpLineOrig.BankImpLineCreditorName <> tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorName))) 
    if available tBankImpLineOrig 
    then do:
        assign vlCodeNameChanged = true.
end. /* end of for each tBankImpLine */

/* ============================================================= */
/* Create Remittance address for the debtor of BankImportLine    */
/* ============================================================= */
if vlCodeNameChanged
then do:
    empty temp-table tRemittanceAddress.
    /* ================================================================= */
    /* get remittance address type ID at the begining because it should  */  
    /* not be included in the main for each loop                         */  
    /* ================================================================= */
    <Q-8 run AddressTypeByCode (all) (Read) (NoCache)
        (input {&ADDRESSTYPECODESYSTEM-REMITTANCE}, (AddressTypeCode)
         output dataset tqAddressTypeByCode) in BAddressType >
    find first tqAddressTypeByCode no-error.
    if available tqAddressTypeByCode
    then do:
        /* start quries that will be called multiple times in For each */            
        <Q-26 run DebtorPrim  (Start) in BDebtor >
        <Q-40 run CreditorPrim  (Start) in BCreditor >
        /* ===================================================================== */
        /* checking Debtor ID to make sure the debtor infor was not missing      */
        /* checking debtor code and name is because they are the key fields,     */ 
        /* processing logic needs the two fields to get saved remittance address */
        /* ===================================================================== */
        for each tBankImpLine where 
                 tBankImpLine.tc_Status                  <> 'D':U                            and
                 tBankImpLine.BankImpLineProcessedStatus <> {&BANKIMPPROCSTATUS-PROCESSED-ERROR} and
                 tBankImpLine.Debtor_ID                  > 0                                 and
                 tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorCode      <> "":U                             and
                 tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorName <> "":U :
            /* to check if there is remittance address with same debtor name and code exists */
            <Q-28 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = AddressByDebtorAddressType (NoCache)
               (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
                input ?, (DebtorId)
                input tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorCode, (AddressSearchName)
                input tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorName, (AddressName)
                input {&ADDRESSTYPECODESYSTEM-REMITTANCE}, (AddressTypeCode)) in BBusinessRelation >
            if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
            then do:    
                /* get business relation ID for validation and assignment later*/
                <Q-42 run DebtorPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                   (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
                    input '':U, (DebtorCode)
                    input tBankImpLine.Debtor_ID, (Debtor_ID)
                    output dataset tqDebtorPrim) in BDebtor >
                find first tqDebtorPrim no-error.
                if available tqDebtorPrim
                then do:
                     /* not using check exist because if the zip/city is empty, it will be ignored by the query */
                        <Q-46 run AddressPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                           (input '':U, (AddressCity)
                            input '':U, (AddressStreet1)
                            input '':U, (AddressStreet2)
                            input '':U, (AddressZip)
                            input '':U, (AddressTypeCode)
                            input ?, (AddressID)
                            input tqDebtorPrim.tiBusinessRelation_ID, (BusinessRelationID)
                            input '':U, (BusinessRelationCode)
                            input tqAddressTypeByCode.tiAddressType_ID, (AddressTypeID)
                            input '':U, (AddressStreet3)
                            output dataset tqAddressPrim) in BBusinessRelation >
                        find first tqAddressPrim where tqAddressPrim.tcAddressCity = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressCity and
                                                       tqAddressPrim.tcAddressZip  = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressZip 
                        if not available tqAddressPrim
                        then do: 
                            create tRemittanceAddress.
                            /* assign address info from Import Line to remittance address */
                            assign tRemittanceAddress.AddressCity       = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressCity
                                   tRemittanceAddress.tcCountryCode     = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressCountry
                                   tRemittanceAddress.AddressName       = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorName
                                   tRemittanceAddress.AddressSearchName = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineDebtorCode 
                                   tRemittanceAddress.AddressZip        = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressZip             
                                   tRemittanceAddress.AddressType_ID    = tqAddressTypeByCode.tiAddressType_ID
                                   tRemittanceAddress.tcAddressTypeCode = {&ADDRESSTYPECODESYSTEM-REMITTANCE}
                                   tRemittanceAddress.tc_Rowid          = string(rowid(tRemittanceAddress))   
                                   tRemittanceAddress.BusinessRelation_ID = tqDebtorPrim.tiBusinessRelation_ID.
                    end. /* end of if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable */
                end. /* end of if available tqDebtorPrim */
            end. /* end of if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false */
        end. /* end of for each */  
        /* ==================================================================== */
        /* checking Creditor ID to make sure the Creditor infor was not missing */
        /* checking Creditor code and name is because they are the key fields,  */ 
        /* processing logic needs the two fields to get saved remittance address*/
        /* ==================================================================== */
        for each tBankImpLine where 
                 tBankImpLine.tc_Status                  <> 'D':U                            and
                 tBankImpLine.BankImpLineProcessedStatus <> {&BANKIMPPROCSTATUS-PROCESSED-ERROR} and
                 tBankImpLine.Creditor_ID                 > 0                                and
                 tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorCode    <> "":U                             and
                 tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorName    <> "":U :                  
            /* to check if there is remittance address with same Creditor name and code exists */
            <Q-31 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = AddressByCreditorAddressType (NoCache)
               (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
                input ?, (CreditorId)
                input tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorCode, (AddressSearchName)
                input tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorName, (AddressName)
                input {&ADDRESSTYPECODESYSTEM-REMITTANCE}, (AddressTypeCode)) in BBusinessRelation >
            if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false
            then do:
                /* get business relation ID for validation and assignment later*/
                <Q-45 run CreditorPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                   (input viCompanyId, (CompanyId)
                    input tBankImpLine.Creditor_ID, (CreditorId)
                    input '':U, (CreditorCode)
                    output dataset tqCreditorPrim) in BCreditor >
                find first tqCreditorPrim no-error.
                if available tqCreditorPrim
                then do:
                    /* to validate if it is address table unique index violate: street, zip, city, br_id, type_id */
                    /* not using check exist because if the zip/city is empty, it will be ignored by the query */
                    <Q-44 run AddressPrim (all) (Read) (NoCache)
                       (input '':U, (AddressCity)
                        input '':U, (AddressStreet1)
                        input '':U, (AddressStreet2)
                        input '':U, (AddressZip)
                        input '':U, (AddressTypeCode)
                        input ?, (AddressID)
                        input tqCreditorPrim.tiBusinessRelation_ID, (BusinessRelationID)
                        input '':U, (BusinessRelationCode)
                        input tqAddressTypeByCode.tiAddressType_ID, (AddressTypeID)
                        input '':U, (AddressStreet3)
                        output dataset tqAddressPrim) in BBusinessRelation >
                    find first tqAddressPrim where tqAddressPrim.tcAddressCity = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressCity and
                                                       tqAddressPrim.tcAddressZip = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressZip
                    if not available tqAddressPrim 
                    then do: 
                        create tRemittanceAddress.
                        /* assign address info from Import Line to remittance address */
                        assign tRemittanceAddress.AddressCity       = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressCity
                               tRemittanceAddress.tcCountryCode     = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressCountry
                               tRemittanceAddress.AddressName       = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorName
                               tRemittanceAddress.AddressSearchName = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineCreditorCode 
                               tRemittanceAddress.AddressZip        = tBankImpLine.BankImpLineAddressZip             
                               tRemittanceAddress.AddressType_ID    = tqAddressTypeByCode.tiAddressType_ID
                               tRemittanceAddress.tcAddressTypeCode = {&ADDRESSTYPECODESYSTEM-REMITTANCE}
                               tRemittanceAddress.tc_Rowid          = string(rowid(tRemittanceAddress))   
                               tRemittanceAddress.BusinessRelation_ID = tqCreditorPrim.tiBusinessRelation_ID.
                    end. /* end of if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable */
                end. /* end of if available tqCreditorPrim */            
            end. /* end of if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false */        
        end. /* end of for each */
        /* stop quries */    
        <Q-27 run DebtorPrim  (Stop) in BDebtor >
        <Q-37 run CreditorPrim  (Stop) in BCreditor >
        if can-find(first tRemittanceAddress)
        then do:
            /* =============================================*/
            /* create remittance address                    */
            /* start component instance of Business Relation*/
            /* =============================================*/
            if viBBusinessRelation3ID = 0 or
               viBBusinessRelation3ID = ?
            then do:
                <I-16 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
                     &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "true"
                     &CLASS              = "BBusinessRelation"}>
            end. /* end of if if viBBusinessRelation3ID = 0 */
            else do:
                <I-17 {bFcOpenInstance
                     &CLASS           = "BBusinessRelation"}>
            end. /* end of else do */

            /* call method in BBusinessRelation to create remittance */
            <M-20 run CreateRemittanceAddress
               (input  tRemittanceAddress (tRemittanceAddressToCreate), 
                input  false (ilClearData), 
                output viExternalReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BBusinessRelation> 
            if viExternalReturnStatus < 0 or (viExternalReturnStatus > 0 and oiReturnStatus = 0)
            then assign oiReturnStatus = viExternalReturnStatus.
            if viExternalReturnStatus < 0
            then do:
                <I-21 {bFcStopInstance
                     &CLASS           = "BBusinessRelation"}>

            /* call the validation and additional methods of Business Relation and stop instance if failed */
            <M-22 run ValidateBCAndAdditionalUpdates  (output viExternalReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BBusinessRelation>
            <I-23 {bFcCloseInstance
             &CLASS           = "BBusinessRelation"}>
            if viExternalReturnStatus < 0 or (viExternalReturnStatus > 0 and oiReturnStatus = 0)
            then assign oiReturnStatus = viExternalReturnStatus.
            if viExternalReturnStatus < 0
            then do:
                <I-24 {bFcStopInstance
                     &CLASS           = "BBusinessRelation"}>
        end. /* end of if can-find(first tRemittanceAddress) */
    end. /* end of if available */
end. /* end of if vlCodeNameChanged */