project QadFinancials > class BBankImportLine > dataset tInvoiceXref

table tInvoiceXref


This temp-table is created to store InvoiceXref allocation records when creating customer document to pay matched invoices.

field namedata typedescription
tdInvoiceRefAlloTCdecimalInvoiceXref Allocaiton TC amount
tdInvoiceRefDiscTCdecimalInvoiceXref Discount TC amount
tiDInvoiceBankIdintegerDInvoice Bank ID
tiDInvoiceIdintegerDInvoice ID
tcInvoiceRefCurrencyCodecharacterInvoiceXref Currency
tcAmountCrDtcharacterThis variable is to indentify whether the amount is Debit or Credit.

Internal usage

method BBankImportLine.GetInvoicesByBankImpLine