project QadFinancials > class BBankEntry > method AdditionalUpdatesInvInstanceOpen


AdditionalUpdatesInvInstanceOpen: method that takes care of the starting/opening of instances


olBCInvoiceOpenedoutputlogicalIs BCInvoice already openend ?
olBDInvoiceOpenedoutputlogicalIs BDInvoice already openend ?
olBCDocumentOpenedoutputlogicalIs BCDocument already openend ?
olBDDocumentOpenedoutputlogicalIs BDDocument already openend ?
olBWithHoldingTaxOpenedoutputlogicalIs BWithHoldingTax component opened?
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BBankEntry.AdditionalUpdatesInv

program code (program4/bbankentry.p)

    /* ======================================================== */
    /* Check whether an instance of BCI/BDI is needed anyway    */
    /* ======================================================== */
    assign vlReturn = true.
    for each tBankState where 
             tBankState.tc_Status <> "D":U and
            (tBankState.BankStateStatus = {&BANKSTATESTATUS-PARTALLOC} or
             tBankState.BankStateStatus = {&BANKSTATESTATUS-ALLOC}) NO-LOCK:
        if can-find(first tBankStateLine where
                          tBankStateLine.tc_ParentRowid      = tBankState.tc_Rowid           and
                          tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus = {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-ALLOC}  and
                          (tBankStateLine.tc_status = "N":U or
                           tBankStateLine.tc_status = "C":U) )
        then do:
            assign vlReturn = false.
    if vlReturn then return.
    /* ======================================================= */
    /* Set default return-status                               */
    /* ======================================================= */
    assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
    /* ===================================================== */
    /* Check whether an instance of BCI is needed anyway     */
    /* Check whether an instance of BDI is needed anyway     */
    /* ===================================================== */
    for each tBankState where
             tBankState.tc_Status <> "D":U and
             (tBankState.BankStateStatus = {&BANKSTATESTATUS-PARTALLOC} or
              tBankState.BankStateStatus = {&BANKSTATESTATUS-ALLOC}) no-lock,
        each tBankStateLine where
             tBankStateLine.tc_ParentRowid      = tBankState.tc_Rowid           and
             tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus = {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-ALLOC}  and
            (tBankStateLine.tc_status       = "N":U or
             tBankStateLine.tc_status       = "C":U) 
        by tBankStateLine.BankStateLineNumber :
        if can-find(first tBankStateAlloc where
                          tBankStateAlloc.tc_ParentRowid     = tBankStateLine.tc_Rowid and
                         (tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status          = "N":U or
                          tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status          = "C":U) and
                         ((tBankStateAlloc.CInvoice_ID <> 0 and tBankStateAlloc.CInvoice_ID <> ?) or
                          tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocType = {&BANKSTATEALLOCTYPE-NCINV}))
        then assign olBCInvoiceOpened = true.
        if can-find(first tBankStateAlloc where
                          tBankStateAlloc.tc_ParentRowid     = tBankStateLine.tc_Rowid and
                         (tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status          = "N":U or
                          tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status          = "C":U) and
                         ((tBankStateAlloc.DInvoice_ID <> 0 and tBankStateAlloc.DInvoice_ID <> ?) or
                          tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocType = {&BANKSTATEALLOCTYPE-NDINV} or
                          tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocType = {&BANKSTATEALLOCTYPE-DEDUCTIONINV}))
        then assign olBDInvoiceOpened = true.
        if can-find (first tBankStateAlloc where
                           tBankStateAlloc.tc_ParentRowid   = tBankStateLine.tc_Rowid and
                           (tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status        = "N":U or
                            tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status        = "C":U) and
                           tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocType = {&BANKSTATEALLOCTYPE-CCOLL})
        then assign olBCDocumentOpened = true.
        if can-find (first tBankStateAlloc where
                           tBankStateAlloc.tc_ParentRowid   = tBankStateLine.tc_Rowid and
                           (tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status        = "N":U or
                            tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status        = "C":U) and
                           tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocType = {&BANKSTATEALLOCTYPE-DCOLL})
        then assign olBDDocumentOpened = true.   
        if can-find (first tBankStateAlloc where
                           tBankStateAlloc.tc_ParentRowid   = tBankStateLine.tc_Rowid and
                           (tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status       = "N":U or
                            tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status       = "C":U)                  and
                           (tBankStateAlloc.CInvoice_ID    <> 0 and
                            tBankStateAlloc.CInvoice_ID    <> ?)                      and
                           (tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocWHTAmtTC <> 0 and
                            tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocWHTAmtTC <> ?))
        then assign olBWithHoldingTaxOpened = true.                  
    end. /* for each tBankState where */
    /* ==================================================== */
    /* Start and/or open the invoice instances if necessary */
    /* ==================================================== */
    if olBCInvoiceOpened
    then do:
        if viBCInvoiceBEID = 0 or viBCInvoiceBEID = ?
        then do:
            <I-1 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
            &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "True"
            &CLASS              = "BCInvoice"}>
            assign vlBCInvoiceIsStartedFromBE = true.
        else do:
            <I-2 {bFcOpenInstance
            &CLASS           = "BCInvoice"}>
    end. /* if olBCInvoiceOpened */
    if olBDInvoiceOpened
    then do:
        if viBDInvoiceBEID = 0 or viBDInvoiceBEID = ?
        then do:
            <I-3 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
            &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "True"
            &CLASS              = "BDInvoice"}>
            assign vlBDInvoiceIsStartedFromBE = true.
        else do:
            <I-4 {bFcOpenInstance
            &CLASS           = "BDInvoice"}>
    end. /* if olBDInvoiceOpened */
    if olBCDocumentOpened = true
    then do :
        if viBCDocumentBEID = ? or viBCDocumentBEID = 0
        then do:
            <I-9 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
            &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "true"
            &CLASS              = "BCDocument"}>
            assign vlBCDocumentIsStartedFromBE = true.
        else do:
            <I-10 {bFcOpenInstance
            &CLASS           = "BCDocument"}>
        if vlUseExtUniqueIDInBEForSetMsg 
        then do:
            <M-41 run SetExternalUniqueIDForSetMessage
               (input  true (ilUseExternalUID), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BCDocument>
    end. /* if olBCDocumentOpened = true */
    if olBDDocumentOpened = true
    then do :
        if viBDDocumentBEID = ? or viBDDocumentBEID = 0
        then do:
            <I-5 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
            &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "true"
            &CLASS              = "BDDocument"}>
            assign vlBDDocumentIsStartedFromBE = true.
        else do:
            <I-6 {bFcOpenInstance
            &CLASS           = "BDDocument"}>

        if vlUseExtUniqueIDInBEForSetMsg 
        then do:
            <M-13 run SetExternalUniqueIDForSetMessage
               (input  true (ilUseExternalUID), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BDDocument>

    end. /* if olBDDocumentOpened = true */        
    if olBWithHoldingTaxOpened = true
    then do:
        if viBWithholdingTaxBankingEntryID = 0 or viBWithholdingTaxBankingEntryID = ?
        then do:
            <I-57 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
                 &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION   = "true"
                 &CLASS                = "BWithholdingTax"}>
            assign vlBWHTBEWasStartedHere = true.
        end. /* if viBWithholdingTaxBankingEntryID = 0 or viBWithholdingTaxBankingEntryID = ? */
        else do:
            <I-59 {bFcOpenInstance
                 &CLASS           = "BWithholdingTax"}>
        end. /* else do */
    end. /* if olBWithHoldingTaxOpened = true */
    /* ====================== */
    /* Set return-status = OK */
    /* ====================== */
    if oiReturnStatus  = -98
    then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.