project QadFinancials > class BBankEntry > method AdditionalUpdatesAssignments


AddtionalUpdatesAssignments; method that contains the assignments for a number of instance-fields


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BBankEntry.AdditionalUpdates

program code (program4/bbankentry.p)

/* ======================================================= */
/* Set default return-status                               */
/* ======================================================= */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98
       viLocalReturn  = 0.

do on error undo, leave:
    /* ============================================================================= */
    /* Set the status of the line based on the data of the allocations               */
    /* If the amount (line<->sum-of-allocs) differs then Allocated else NotAllocated */
    /* Set the status of the header based on the status and data of the lines        */
    /* If all lines=ALLOC then header=ALLOC                                          */
    /* else if all line=UNALLOC then header=UNALLOC                                  */
    /* else header=PARTALLOC                                                         */
    /* ============================================================================= */
    assign vdTotalDebitTC  = 0
           vdTotalCreditTC = 0.
    /* Go through all new-changed lines */           
    for each tBankState where
             tBankState.tc_Status <> "D":U 
        each tBankStateLine where
             tBankStateLine.tc_ParentRowid = tBankState.tc_Rowid   and 
            (tBankStateLine.tc_Status = "N":U                      or
             tBankStateLine.tc_Status = "C":U)
        by tBankStateLine.BankStateLineNumber :
        /* Reset totals */
        assign vdTotalDebitTC  = 0
               vdTotalCreditTC = 0.
        /* Get the journal entry balance only if you have a posting available */
        if tBankStateLine.Posting_ID <> 0 and 
           tBankStateLine.Posting_ID <> ?
        then do:
            /* ===================================================================== */
            /* Go through all allocations of the BE-Line and sum the posting-amounts */
            /* Get the posting-amounts of the posting linked to the BE-Line          */
            /* Post the difference on the Bank-GL account                            */
            /* ===================================================================== */
            for each tBankStateAlloc where 
                     tBankStateAlloc.tc_ParentRowid = tBankStateLine.tc_Rowid:
                assign vdAmountTC = if tBankStateAlloc.tcAllocAmountCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT}
                                    then vdAmountTC + tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankAmountTC - tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankDiscTC
                                    else vdAmountTC - (tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankAmountTC - tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankDiscTC)
                       vdAmountLC = if tBankStateAlloc.tcAllocAmountCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT}
                                    then vdAmountLC + tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankAmountLC - tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankDiscLC
                                    else vdAmountLC - (tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankAmountLC - tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankDiscLC)
                       vdAmountCC = if tBankStateAlloc.tcAllocAmountCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT}
                                    then vdAmountCC + tBankStateAlloc.tdBankStateAllocBankAmountCC - tBankStateAlloc.tdBankStateAllocBankDiscCC
                                    else vdAmountCC - (tBankStateAlloc.tdBankStateAllocBankAmountCC - tBankStateAlloc.tdBankStateAllocBankDiscCC).
            end. /* for each tbankstatealloc where */

            <M-1 run GetJournalEntryBalance
               (input  tBankState.tcCurrencyCode (icBankCurrencyCode), 
                input  tBankStateLine.Posting_ID (iiPostingId), 
                input  tBankStateLine.BankStateLineValueDate (itBankStateLineValueDate), 
                input  false (ilCloseJournalEntryInstance), 
                input  tBankStateLine.BankStateLineAmountTC (idBankStateLineAmountTC), 
                input  tBankStateLine.tdBankStateLineAmountLC (idBankStateLineAmountLC), 
                input  vdAmountTC (idAllocatedAmountTC), 
                input  vdAmountLC (idAllocatedAmountLC), 
                output vdTotalDebitTC (odPostingAmountDebitTC), 
                output vdTotalCreditTC (odPostingAmountCreditTC), 
                output vdDummy (odPostingAmountDebitLC), 
                output vdDummy (odPostingAmountCreditLC), 
                output vdDummy (odPostingAmountDebitCC), 
                output vdDummy (odPostingAmountCreditCC), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBankEntry>
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0 or viFcReturnSuper > 0 and viLocalReturn = 0 then assign viLocalReturn = viFcReturnSuper.
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0  then leave MAIN_BLOCK.
        end. /* if tBankStateLine.Posting_ID <> 0 and */
        /* Go through all Allocations of the Line and compute the totals */
        for each tBankStateAlloc where
                 tBankStateAlloc.tc_ParentRowid = tBankStateLine.tc_Rowid and
                (tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status      = "N":U                   or
                 tBankStateAlloc.tc_Status      = "C":U):
            if tBankStateAlloc.tcAllocAmountCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-CREDIT}
            then assign vdTotalCreditTC = vdTotalCreditTC + <M-14 RoundAmount
                                                               (input  tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankAmountTC (idUnroundedAmount), 
                                                                input  0 (iiCurrencyID), 
                                                                input  tBankStateAlloc.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in business> 
                        vdTotalDebittc  = vdTotalDebitTC  + <M-15 RoundAmount
                                                               (input  tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankDiscTC (idUnroundedAmount), 
                                                                input  0 (iiCurrencyID), 
                                                                input  tBankStateAlloc.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in business>.
            else if tBankStateAlloc.tcAllocAmountCrDt = {&CREDITDEBITABBREVIATION-DEBIT}
                 then assign vdTotalDebittC  = vdTotalDebitTC  + <M-16 RoundAmount
                                                                    (input  tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankAmountTC (idUnroundedAmount), 
                                                                     input  0 (iiCurrencyID), 
                                                                     input  tBankStateAlloc.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
                             vdTotalCreditTC = vdTotalCreditTC + <M-17 RoundAmount
                                                                    (input  tBankStateAlloc.BankStateAllocBankDiscTC (idUnroundedAmount), 
                                                                     input  0 (iiCurrencyID), 
                                                                     input  tBankStateAlloc.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in business>.
        end. /* for each tBankStateAlloc where */
        assign tBankStateLine.BankStateLineAmountTC = <M-18 RoundAmount
                                                          (input  tBankStateLine.BankStateLineAmountTC (idUnroundedAmount), 
                                                           input  0 (iiCurrencyID), 
                                                           input  tBankState.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in business>.
        if tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus <> {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-ALLOCPOST}
        then /* Use absolute values so it works for DI and CI */
             assign tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus = if tBankStateLine.CustomShort0 = 'CONVERSION':U /* needed by conversion programs - woa 8 aug 2007 */
                                                         then {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-ALLOC}
                                                         if tBankStateLine.BankStateLineAmountTC = 0 or tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus = {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC}
                                                         then {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC}
                                                         else {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-ALLOC}
                   tBankStateLine.CustomShort0        = if tBankStateLine.CustomShort0 = 'CONVERSION':U
                                                        then '':U
                                                        else tBankStateLine.CustomShort0
                   tBankStateLine.tc_Status           = if tBankStateline.tc_Status = "":U 
                                                        then "C":U 
                                                        else tBankStateline.tc_Status.                                               
    end. /* for each tBankState, each tBankStateLine of */

    /* ====================================================================================== */
    /* At this place we 'calculate' the correct status of the BankState. For this we use the  */
    /* status of the BankStateLines, but we need to get them both from our instance as from   */
    /* the database. Reason for this is that the status of a bankline can be changed by       */
    /* multiple users at the same time. So we need to be sure we are using the correct status */
    /* Note the optimistic lock was disabled for the BankStateStatus field                    */
    /* ====================================================================================== */        

    for each tBankState where
             tBankState.tc_Status <> "D":U and
             tBankState.BankState_ID <> 0 and 
             tBankState.BankState_ID <> ? :
        /* Initialiaxe flags */
        assign vlUnallocatedLineFound = false.
               vlAllocatedLineFound   = false.
        /* Read all BE-lines in the Database */
        empty temp-table tqBankStateLinesByBankState.
        if tBankState.tc_Status <> 'N'
        then do :
            <Q-22 run BankStateLinesByBankState (all) (Read) (NoCache)
               (input ?, (CompanyId)
                input tBankState.BankState_ID, (BankState_ID)
                output dataset tqBankStateLinesByBankState) in BBankEntry>  
        end. /* if tBankState.tc_Status <> 'N' */
        /* ======================================================================================= */
        /* Check if there is a single unallocated lines - either in the instance, either in the db */
        /* ======================================================================================= */        
        for each tBankStateLine where         
                 tBankStateLine.tc_ParentRowid      = tBankState.tc_Rowid and
                 tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus = {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC} and
                 tBankStateLine.tc_status <> 'D':U :
            if not can-find (tqBankStateLinesByBankState where
                             tqBankStateLinesByBankState.tiBankStateLine_ID     = tBankStateLine.BankStateLine_ID and 
                             tqBankStateLinesByBankState.tcBankStateLineStatus <> {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC}) 
            then do :
                assign vlUnallocatedLineFound = true.
            end. /* if not can-find (tqBankStateLinesByBankState where */
        end. /*  for each tBankStateLine where */
        if vlUnallocatedLineFound = false
        then do :
            for each tqBankStateLinesByBankState where 
                     tqBankStateLinesByBankState.tiBankStateLine_ID    = tBankStateLine.BankStateLine_ID and 
                     tqBankStateLinesByBankState.tcBankStateLineStatus = {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC} :

                if can-find (tBankStateLine where 
                             tBankStateLine.tc_ParentRowid       = tBankState.tc_Rowid and
                             tBankStateLine.BankStateLine_ID     = tqBankStateLinesByBankState.tiBankStateLine_ID and 
                             tBankStateLine.tc_status            = 'D':U)
                then next.
                if not can-find (tBankStateLine where 
                                 tBankStateLine.tc_ParentRowid       = tBankState.tc_Rowid and
                                 tBankStateLine.BankStateLine_ID     = tqBankStateLinesByBankState.tiBankStateLine_ID and 
                                 tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus <> {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC}) 
                then do :
                    assign vlUnallocatedLineFound = true.
                end. /* if not can-find (tBankStateLine where */
            end. /*  for each tqBankStateLinesByBankState where */
        end. /* if vlUnallocatedLineFound = false */

        /* ======================================================================================= */
        /* Check if there is a single allocated lines - either in the instance, either in the db   */
        /* ======================================================================================= */        
        for each tBankStateLine where 
                 tBankStateLine.tc_ParentRowid       = tBankState.tc_Rowid and
                 tBankStateLine.BankStateLineStatus <> {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC} and
                 tBankStateLine.tc_status <> 'D':U :
            assign vlAllocatedLineFound = true.
        end. /*  for each tBankStateLine where */
        if vlAllocatedLineFound = false
        then do :
            for each tqBankStateLinesByBankState where 
                     tqBankStateLinesByBankState.tcBankStateLineStatus <> {&BANKSTATELINESTATUS-UNALLOC} :
                assign vlAllocatedLineFound = true.
            end. /*  for each tqBankStateLinesByBankState where */
        end. /* if vlAllocatedLineFound = false */
        /* ========================== */        
        /* Set status of BankingState */
        /* ========================== */
        assign vcBankStateStatus = if vlAllocatedLineFound = true 
                                   then if vlUnallocatedLineFound = true
                                        then {&BANKSTATESTATUS-PARTALLOC}
                                        else {&BANKSTATESTATUS-ALLOC}
                                   else {&BANKSTATESTATUS-UNALLOC}.                                   
        if tBankState.BankStateStatus <> vcBankStateStatus 
        then assign tBankState.BankStateStatus = vcBankStateStatus
                    tBankState.tc_Status       = if tBankState.tc_Status = "":U 
                                                 then "C":U 
                                                 else tBankState.tc_Status.
    end. /* for each tBankState where */

end. /* MAIN_BLOCK */

/* ========================================================================================================= */
/* Normally we would here close BJournalEntry but we will not do it for performance                          */
/* reasons as this way the Commit of the transaction does not have to re-open the instance to commit it.     */
/* And in all other scenario's the instance of the class ill be closed by the de-activiate procedure of the  */
/* appserver that is executed after each call to the appserver                                               */
/* ========================================================================================================= */

/* ================================================================================= *
 * Error handling                                                                    *
 * ================================================================================= */
assign oiReturnStatus = viLocalReturn.