field name | data type | description |
BankStateAlloc_ID | integer | |
Currency_ID | integer | |
Company_ID | integer | |
BankStateLine_ID | integer | |
CInvoice_ID | integer | |
CCollection_ID | integer | |
DInvoice_ID | integer | |
DCollection_ID | integer | |
Posting_ID | integer | |
BankState_ID | integer | |
BankStateAllocType | character | |
BankStateAllocAmountTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocAmountLC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocPaidAmtTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocDiscountTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocBankAmountTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocBankAmountLC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocBankRate | decimal(10) | |
BankStateAllocBankRteScale | decimal(10) | |
BankStateAllocCCRate | decimal(10) | |
BankStateAllocCCScale | decimal(10) | |
BankStateAllocDifferenceLC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocDifferenceCC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocBankValDate | date | |
BankStateAllocBankDiscTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocBankDiscLC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocDifferenceTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocOpenBalTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocBankImpRef | character | |
BankStateAllocWHTAmtTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocWHTAmtLC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocWHTAmtCC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocWHTTxFeeTC | decimal(4) | |
BankStateAllocWHTPerc | decimal(2) | |
BankStateAllocWHTLCRate | decimal(10) | |
BankStateAllocWHTLCScale | decimal(10) | |
BankStateAllocWHTCCRate | decimal(10) | |
BankStateAllocWHTCCScale | decimal(10) | |
tcDocNumberReference | character | |
tcDocBusinessRelationCode | character | |
ttDocDueDate | date | |
ttDocInvDate | date | |
ttDocDiscountDueDate | date | |
tdDocBalance | decimal(4) | |
tcDocCurrencyCode | character | |
tcCollReference | character | |
ttCollRequestedDate | date | |
tdCollBalance | decimal(4) | |
tlUIFullAllocation | logical | UIFullAllocation; field added just to support easy UI-development |
tcDocBalanceCrDt | character | Sign of Balance nl Credit or Debit |
tcAllocAmountCrDt | character | Sign of Alloc Amount nl Debit or Credit |
tdNewBalanceTC | decimal(4) | New Balance Amount in TC |
tcNewBalanceCrDt | character | Sign of new balance nl debit or credit |
tdDocExchangeRate | decimal(10) | Document Exchange Rate |
tiCollNumber | integer | Collection number |
tcCollBalanceCrDt | character | Sign of new balance nl debit or credit |
tcLocalCurrencyCode | character | Local currency code |
tcCurrDifferenceCrDt | character | sign of currency details : credit or debit |
tcCurrencyCode | character | |
tcDocCredDebEmplCode | character | |
tiDocCredDebEmplId | integer | |
tcCurrencyDifferenceGLCode | character | GL Code for the Currency Differences |
tiBankStateAllocSequence | integer | Sequence |
tcCompanyCode | character | CompanyCode: functionaly speaking, this is a RKBF for field tBankStateAlloc.Company_ID. It was no use defining this using the std RKBF functionality because the company_ID does not get set for other companies because the current CompanyID is passed as input parameter to the query. Solution: write manualy the reuiqred code in method Calculate() and ValidateComponent() to convert the CompanyCode into the CompanyID and vice-versa. |
tdDiscountPercentage | decimal(3) | Discount Percentage : keep it in calculated field so ui can used that when they allocate |
tdDocExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | RateScal for the document |
tdDefaultPaymentAmountTC | decimal(4) | Default payment amount TC : invoice(document) amount - discount |
tdDefaultDiscountAmountTC | decimal(4) | Default discount amount tc (calculated on net amount) |
tcDocDescription | character | Description |
tcDocDivisionCode | character | |
tcDocProjectCode | character | |
tcDocCostCentreCode | character | |
tdDocVat | decimal(4) | |
tcDocVatCrDt | character | |
tdDocVatBase | decimal(4) | |
tcDocVatBaseCrDt | character | |
tiDocPostingID | integer | |
tcVatCountryCode | character | |
tlDiscountTaxAtPayment | logical | |
tcShipperCode | character | |
tcCollSelectionCode | character | |
tdRunningAllocBalanceTC | decimal(4) | |
tcDInvoiceDIText | character | Legacy Invoice Number |
tdBankStateAllocPaidTC | decimal(4) | |
tdDocCCExchangeRate | decimal(10) | |
tdDocCCExchangeRateScale | decimal(10) | |
tdDocOriginal | decimal(4) | |
tcCCCurrDifferenceCrDt | character | Sign of statutory currency differences |
tcCCCurrencyDifferenceGLCode | character | |
tdBankStateAllocBankAmountCC | decimal(4) | |
tdBankStateAllocBankDiscCC | decimal(4) | |
tdBankStateAllocAmountTCSign | decimal(4) | |
tdBankStateAllocOpenBalTCSign | decimal(4) | |
tdNonDiscAmtTC | decimal(4) | Non Disc Amt |
tcReasonCode | character | |
tcDInvoiceDeductionCode | character | |
tcDInvoiceDeductionStatus | character | |
tcDInvoiceDeductionParentRowID | character | |
tdDInvoiceDeductionTC | decimal(4) | |
tlCreditorIsWHT | logical | Is the supplier of the supplier invoice defined with withholding tax or not |
tlUpdateTax | logical | Update Tax : if all withholding tax lines of the invoice, has update tax allowed on true, then it will be true here and you can change the WHT Amount, otherwise not |
tdCInvoiceWHTUnpaidAmtTC | decimal(4) | The remaining unpaid amount of the withholding tax on the invoice |
tdCInvoiceTotWHTBaseTC | decimal(4) | total withholding tax base amount in TC for all the lines you selected, used on UI |
tdCInvoiceTotWHTTC | decimal(4) | withholding tax amount of the invoice |
tdWHTBalanceTC | decimal(4) | Open Withholding tax amount defined on the supplier invoice |
tdBankStateAllocBankWhtAmtTC | decimal(4) | Bank WHT Amount TC |
tdInitiallyAllocatedWHTAmntTC | decimal(4) | Withholding tax amount in TC that is allocated but not yet paid in withholding tax |
tcDInoviceDeductionCusReference | character | Deduction Customer reference. |
ttDocPostingDate | date | |
tcBillStatus | character | |
tcDocTSMNumber | character | |
tiBillYear | integer | |
tiBillNumber | integer | |
tcInvoiceDescription | character | |
LastModifiedDate | date | |
LastModifiedTime | integer | |
LastModifiedUser | character | |
QADC01 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | unused QAD reserved field |
tc_Rowid | character | |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |