project QadFinancials > class BAPMatchingReport > business logic query PendingVoucherByAPMatchingLn
icPvoDomain | character | |
iiPvoId | integer | |
iiPvoLineId | integer | |
itFromPODate | date | |
itToPODate | date | |
icBuyer | character | |
icFromInternalRef | character | |
icToInternalRef | character | |
query condition
each pvod_det where
pvod_det.pvod_domain = icPvoDomain AND
pvod_det.pvod_id = iiPvoId AND
pvod_det.pvod_id_line = iiPvoLineId
first pod_det (inner-join) where
pod_det.pod_domain = pvod_det.pvod_domain AND
pod_det.pod_line = pvod_det.pvod_order_line AND
pod_det.pod_nbr = pvod_det.pvod_order AND
first prh_hist (conditional-join) where
prh_hist.prh_domain = pvod_det.pvod_domain AND
prh_hist.prh_receiver = pvod_det.pvod_internal_ref AND
prh_hist.prh_nbr = pvod_det.pvod_order AND
prh_hist.prh_line = pvod_det.pvod_order_line AND
first pvo_mstr (inner-join) where
pvo_mstr.pvo_domain = pvod_det.pvod_domain AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_id = pvod_det.pvod_id AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_buyer can-do icBuyer AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_internal_ref >= icFromInternalRef AND
pvo_mstr.pvo_internal_ref <= icToInternalRef
first po_mstr (inner-join) where
po_mstr.po_domain = pvo_mstr.pvo_domain AND
po_mstr.po_nbr = pvo_mstr.pvo_order AND
po_mstr.po_ord_date >= itFromPODate AND
po_mstr.po_ord_date <= itToPODate
query resultset tqPendingVoucherByAPMatchingLn
field name | data type | db field | description |
tipod_op | integer | pod_det.pod_op | Operation |
tcpod_wo_lot | character | pod_det.pod_wo_lot | Work Order ID |
tcprh_um | character | prh_hist.prh_um | UM |
tdprh_um_conv | decimal | prh_hist.prh_um_conv | UM Conversion |
tcpvo_buyer | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_buyer | Buyer |
tcpvo_internal_ref | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_internal_ref | Internal Reference |
tcpvo_supplier | character | pvo_mstr.pvo_supplier | Supplier |
tdpvod_accrued_amt | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_accrued_amt | Accrued Amount |
tdpvod_ex_rate | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_ex_rate | Exch Rate |
tdpvod_ex_rate2 | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_ex_rate2 | Exch Rate 2 |
tdpvod_mtl_std | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_mtl_std | Item Material Cost |
tdpvod_ovh_std | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_ovh_std | Item Overhead Cost |
tdpvod_pur_cost | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_pur_cost | PO Cost |
tdpvod_pur_std | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_pur_std | Item PO Cost |
tdpvod_sub_std | decimal | pvod_det.pvod_sub_std | Item Subcontract Cost |
Internal usage