iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
icPvoDomain | character | |
iiPvoID | integer | |
iiPvodLineID | integer | |
icAPMatchingStatus | character | |
icSkipAPMatchingLnRowid | character | This parameter can contain the rowid (converted to string) of an APMatchingLn-record that shoudl NOT be in the result-set. |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiAPMatching_ID | integer | APMatchingLn.APMatching_ID | Link to APMatching |
ttAPMatchingDate | date | APMatching.APMatchingDate | Date |
tiAPMatchingLn_ID | integer | APMatchingLn.APMatchingLn_ID | Record ID |
tlAPMatchingLnIsPvodFinished | logical | APMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished | Finished |
tdAPMatchingLnMatchAmtTC | decimal | APMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC | TC Matched Amount |
tdAPMatchingLnMatchQty | decimal | APMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty | Matched Quantity |
tcAPMatchingStatus | character | APMatching.APMatchingStatus | Status |
tiCInvoice_ID | integer | APMatching.CInvoice_ID | Voucher |
tiCInvoicePostingYear | integer | CInvoice.CInvoicePostingYear | Year.This field indicates the accounting year for the invoice. If you modify these fields, the posting and tax dates are changed correspondingly. |
api annotation: | This field defaults to the accounting year associated with the posting date. | ||
tiCInvoiceRegistrationNr | integer | CInvoice.CInvoiceRegistrationNr | Registration number. This field displays the sequential number assigned to each invoice upon initial entry in the system. |
tiCInvoiceVoucher | integer | CInvoice.CInvoiceVoucher | Voucher. This field displays the numeric identifier assigned to the posting. When the daybook of the journal entry is changed (after transfer), the voucher is cleared. Voucher must be unique in one GL period. When the user input is zero, the system automatically assign a value not used yet for this field. |
tiJournal_ID | integer | CInvoice.Journal_ID | Daybook Code |
tcJournalCode | character | Journal.JournalCode | A daybook code (maximum eight characters). |
tiPvodLineID | integer | APMatchingLn.PvodLineID | Pinv Line ID |
tcPvoDomain | character | APMatchingLn.PvoDomain | Domain |
tiPvoID | integer | APMatchingLn.PvoID | Pinv ID |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(APMatchingLn),rowid(APMatching),rowid(CInvoice),rowid(Journal) |