project QadFinancials > class BAPMatching > method ValidateComponentPreTaxAbsRet
ValidateComponentPreValidate: submethod of ValidateComponent
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program4/bapmatching.p)
/* ==================================================================================================================== */
/* Method: ValidateComponentPreTaxAbsRet */
/* Description: This method does some corrections of the of the Absorbed/Retained tax indication in the financial data */
/* Problem: The main reason for this is the way how Absorbed/Retained incidation is calculated in finance. */
/* Finance is using amount of absorbed/retained to decide, whether this is absorbed/retained taxes. */
/* But because of different rounding and calcualtion in operational, this value can be 0 and so then */
/* Finance can get confused about it and for the records where TaxTC is zero, it does not properly fill */
/* these fields in APMatchingLnTax: APMatchingLnTaxIsAbsRet, tcAbsRetTaxGLCode and tcAbsRetTaxDivisionCode */
/* Solution: The solution to this problem that we implement here in this method is that for the APMatchingLnTax */
/* records where TaxTC is zero, we look for another APMatchingLnTax-record with the same VAT-code and */
/* if we find such record then we copy the content of these 3 fields into the record where TaxTC is zero */
/* ==================================================================================================================== */
/* ============================= */
/* Check for record-availability */
/* ============================= */
if not available t_sAPMatching
then do :
assign oiReturnStatus = -1
vcMsgAPMatching = trim(substitute(#T-45'Internal error: no AP matching record is available.':255(56009)T-45#)).
<M-38 run SetMessage
(input vcMsgAPMatching (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'S':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'qadfin-885911':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAPMatching>
end. /* if not available t_sAPMatching */
/* ============================================================================================== */
/* Go through all zero tax lines and get rid of the ? so we can use the fields in an index */
/* ============================================================================================== */
for each t_sAPMatchingLnTax where
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC = ? :
assign t_sAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC = 0.
end. /* for each t_sAPMatchingLnTax where */
for each t_sAPMatchingLnTax where
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxGLCode = ? :
assign t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxGLCode = "":U.
end. /* for each t_sAPMatchingLnTax where */
/* ========================================================================================================== */
/* Only execute following code in case there is at least one APMatchingLnTax with APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC filled */
/* Check on <0 and on >0 in stead of on <>0 as so we can use an index on that field */
/* ========================================================================================================== */
if can-find (first t_sAPMatchingLnTax where
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC < 0) or
can-find (first t_sAPMatchingLnTax where
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC > 0)
then do :
/* ============================================================================================== */
/* Go through all zero tax lines, as there is pottentially incorrectly set absorbed retained flag */
/* ============================================================================================== */
for each t_sAPMatchingLnTax where
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC = 0 and
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxGLCode = "":U,
first t_sAPMatchingLn where
t_sAPMatchingLn.tc_Rowid = t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tc_ParentRowid and
t_sAPMatchingLn.tc_ParentRowid = t_sAPMatching.tc_Rowid and
(t_sAPMatchingLn.tc_Status = "N":U or
t_sAPMatchingLn.tc_Status = "C":U):
/* ======================================================================================================================= */
/* Go through other non-zero tax records of receiver matching and check, if there is the same tax used as abs/ret */
/* We duplicate the code ehere so we check on <0 and on >0 in stead of once on <>0 as so we can use an index on that field */
/* ======================================================================================================================= */
assign vlFoundAPMatchingLnTaxRecord = False.
for each bsAPMatchingLnTax where
bsAPMatchingLnTax.tcVatCode = t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcVatCode and
bsAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC < 0 and
bsAPMatchingLnTax.tc_Rowid <> t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tc_Rowid,
first bsAPMatchingLn where
bsAPMatchingLn.tc_Rowid = bsAPMatchingLnTax.tc_ParentRowid and
bsAPMatchingLn.tc_Status <> "D":U :
assign vlFoundAPMatchingLnTaxRecord = True
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxIsAbsRet = bsAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxIsAbsRet
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxGLCode = bsAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxGLCode
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxDivisionCode = bsAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxDivisionCode.
end. /* for each bsAPMatchingLn where */
if vlFoundAPMatchingLnTaxRecord = False
then do:
for each bsAPMatchingLnTax where
bsAPMatchingLnTax.tcVatCode = t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcVatCode and
bsAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxTaxTC > 0 and
bsAPMatchingLnTax.tc_Rowid <> t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tc_Rowid,
first bsAPMatchingLn where
bsAPMatchingLn.tc_Rowid = bsAPMatchingLnTax.tc_ParentRowid and
bsAPMatchingLn.tc_Status <> "D":U :
assign vlFoundAPMatchingLnTaxRecord = True
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxIsAbsRet = bsAPMatchingLnTax.APMatchingLnTaxIsAbsRet
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxGLCode = bsAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxGLCode
t_sAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxDivisionCode = bsAPMatchingLnTax.tcAbsRetTaxDivisionCode.
end. /* for each bsAPMatchingLn where */
end. /* if vlFoundAPMatchingLnTaxRecord = False */
end. /* for each t_sAPMatchingLn where */
end. /* if can-find (first t_sAPMatchingLnTax where */