project QadFinancials > class BAPMatching > method ValidateComponentPreAPMLn1


ValidateComponentPreValidateAPMLn1: submethod of ValidateComponentPreValidate


oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BAPMatching.ValidateComponentPre

program code (program4/bapmatching.p)

/* ========================= */
/* Set default return-status */
/* ========================= */
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

/* ============================= */
/* Check for record-availability */
/* ============================= */
assign vcMsgAPMatching = "":U.
if not available t_sAPMatching 
then assign vcMsgAPMatching = trim(substitute(#T-15'Internal error: no AP matching record is available.':255(56009)T-15#)).
if vcMsgAPMatching = "":U and 
   not available t_sAPMatchingLn 
then assign vcMsgAPMatching = trim(substitute(#T-31'Internal error: no AP matching line record is available.':255(56010)T-31#,string(t_sAPMatching.tiCInvoicePostingYear),t_sAPMatching.tcCInvoiceJournalCode,string(t_sAPMatching.tiCInvoiceVoucher))) .
if vcMsgAPMatching <> "":U
then do:
    assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
    <M-11 run SetMessage
       (input  vcMsgAPMatching (icMessage), 
        input  '':U (icArguments), 
        input  '':U (icFieldName), 
        input  '':U (icFieldValue), 
        input  'E':U (icType), 
        input  3 (iiSeverity), 
        input  '':U (icRowid), 
        input  'QadFin-5612':U (icFcMsgNumber), 
        input  '':U (icFcExplanation), 
        input  '':U (icFcIdentification), 
        input  '':U (icFcContext), 
        output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAPMatching>
end. /* if not available t_sAPMatching */

/* ===================================================================== */
/* backwards compatibility : fill all mandatory fields if not filled yet */
/* ===================================================================== */
if t_sAPMatchingLn.tc_Status = "N":U or
   t_sAPMatchingLn.tc_Status = "C":U  
then do :
    if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxIncl = ?
    then assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxIncl = false.
    if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchIsTaxIncl = ?
    then assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchIsTaxIncl = false.
end. /* if t_sAPMatchingLn.tc_Status = "N":U or */

/* ================================================================================================================ */
/* Fill in the Read-only RKBF on the costing-methods of PVOD in case they are unknown and the PVOD-ID is filled     */
/* This is done here as from this point onwards we expect these fields to be filled but we can hardly expect all    */
/* callers (like external parties) to provide us this detail information on a PVOD. They should thus simply         */
/* provide unknown values for these detail-fields and provide correct information for the key-fields of the PVOD    */
/* This is separated from the previous block as this information cannot be retrieved by executing a query           */
/* ================================================================================================================ */
if /* Base for the calculation */
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodSite <> "":U  and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodSite <> ?     and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodItem <> "":U  and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodItem <> ? 
then do :
    if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdCur = ? and 
       t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdGL  = ? 
    then do :
        /* =================================================================================================== */
        /* Start&Open BCosting as it is used in the block / classs will be closed after the block              */
        /* This is the most performing way to run an api-method repetitively in this loop                      */
        /* =================================================================================================== */
        if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodOrderType = {&APMATCHINGLNPVODORDERTYPE-PURCHASE} and
           t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodItemType <> {&APMATCHINGLNPVODITEMTYPE-MEMO}
        then do :
            if blBCostingOpenedForCostMethod = false 
            then do :
                if viBMfgCostingAPMID <> 0  and
                   viBMfgCostingAPMID <> ?
                then do :
                    <I-40 {bFcOpenInstance
                &CLASS           = "BMfgCosting"}>
                end. /* if viBMfgPendingVoucherAPMID <> 0  and */
                else do :
                    <I-41 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
                         &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "false"
                         &CLASS              = "BMfgCosting"}>
                    assign vlBMfgCostingStart = true.
                end. /* Not if viBMfgPendingVoucherAPMID <> 0  and */
                assign blBCostingOpenedForCostMethod = true.
            end. /* if blBCostingOpenedForCostMethod = false */
            /* Call method in BCosting the returns the costing methods */
            <M-21 run ApiGetCostingMethod
               (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodSite (icSite), 
                input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodItem (icPart), 
                output vcDummy (ocGLCostSet), 
                output t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdGL (ocGLCostMethod), 
                output vcDummy (ocCurrentCostSet), 
                output t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdGL (ocCurrentCostMethod), 
                output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BMfgCosting>
            if viFcReturnSuper < 0 /* only catch errors here */
            then do:
                assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
            end. /* if viFcReturnSuper < 0 */
        end. /* if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodOrderType = {&APMATCHINGLNPVODORDERTYPE-PURCHASE} */
        else assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdGL  = {&COSTMETHOD-NONE}
                    t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdCur = {&COSTMETHOD-NONE}. 
    end. /* if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdCur = ? and */
end. /* if Upd */

/* ================================================================================================================ */
/* Fill in the Read-only RKBF on the costing-methods of PVOD in case they are unknown and the PVOD-ID is filled     */
/* This is done here as from this point onwards we expect these fields to be filled but we can hardly expect all    */
/* callers (like external parties) to provide us this detail information on a PVOD. They should thus simply         */
/* provide unknown values for these detail-fields and provide correct information for the key-fields of the PVOD    */
/* This is separated from the previous block as this information cannot be retrieved by executing a query           */
/* ================================================================================================================ */
if /* Base for finding the PLI-key  */
   t_sAPMatchingLn.PvoDomain            <> "":U  and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.PvoDomain            <> ?     and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.PvoID                <> 0     and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.PvoID                <> ?     and 
   /* Unknown values that will be filled */
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodPliKeyId = ? and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodPlidLine = ?
then do :    
    <Q-37 run PLInvoiceDetailForMatching (all) (Read) (NoCache)
       (input t_sAPMatchingLn.PvoDomain, (DomainCode)
        input t_sAPMatchingLn.PvoID, (PvoID)
        input ?, (POShipperInvoice)
        output dataset tqPLInvoiceDetailForMatching) in BMfgPLInvoice >
    find first tqPLInvoiceDetailForMatching no-lock no-error. /* Multiples might be returned but the all have the same value for the field we will use */
    if available tqPLInvoiceDetailForMatching
    then assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodPliKeyId = tqPLInvoiceDetailForMatching.tipli_keyid
                t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodPlidLine = tqPLInvoiceDetailForMatching.tiplid_line.
end. /* if Base for finding the PLI-key  */

/* ================================================== */
/* Fill in the some values based on some other fields */
/* ================================================== */
if /* Base for the calculation of amounts */
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished <> ? and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodIsLgCharge <> ? and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodOpenQty    <> ? and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice  <> ? and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty       <> ? and 
   t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchUnitPrice <> ? 
then do:
    /*Check for logistics charges*/  
    if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodIsLgCharge = true
    then do:
       if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodOpenAmtTC  <> t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC and
          t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished <> true                                            
           assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC = t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC
                  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateTC    = 0.
           assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC = t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodOpenAmtTC
                  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateTC    = 
                      <M-55 RoundAmount
                         (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchUnitPrice * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty (idUnroundedAmount), 
                          input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                          input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching> -
                      <M-61 RoundAmount
                         (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty (idUnroundedAmount), 
                          input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                           input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>  .
                  /* Fill-in the allocated amount-LC */
        assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtLC = 
                      <M-82 RoundAmount
                         (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceExchangeRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceRateScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                          input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                          input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>
                  /* Fill-in the Var-Rate-LC */
                  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateLC = 
                      <M-10 RoundAmount
                         (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceExchangeRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceRateScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                          input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                       input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>
               /* Fill-in the receipt-amount-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtLC = 
                   <M-47 RoundAmount
                      (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodExchRate2 / t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodExchRate (idUnroundedAmount), 
                       input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                       input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>
               /* Fill-in the Var-Usage-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageLC = 
                   (if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished <> true
                    then 0 
                    else <M-53 RoundAmount
                            (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceExchangeRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceRateScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                             input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                             input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>).
        /* Fill-in the receipt-amount-CC */
        if vcCompanyCC <> t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCurrency
        then assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtCC = <M-18 RoundAmount
                                                                  (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtLC * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCRate * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                                                                   input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                                                                   input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>.
        else assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtCC = t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC.
        assign /* Fill-in the allocated amount-CC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtCC = 
                   <M-59 RoundAmount
                      (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                       input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                       input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>
               /* Fill-in the Var-Rate-CC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateCC = 
                   <M-73 RoundAmount
                      (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                       input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                       input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>
               /* Fill-in the Var-Usage-CC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageCC = 
                   (if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished <> true
                    then 0 
                    else <M-88 RoundAmount
                            (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                             input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                             input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>)
               /* Fill-in the ExchangeRate-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarExchRateLC = 
                  - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtLC
                  - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageLC 
                  - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateLC).
        if t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCScale <> t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCRate * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCScale
        then assign /* Fill-in the ExchangeRate-CC */
                    t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarExchRateCC = 
                       - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtCC
                       - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageCC 
                       - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateCC).
    end. /*if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodIsLgCharge = true*/
    else do: /* Non logistic charges */
        /* Fill-in the allocated amount-TC */
        assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC = 
                    <M-22 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchUnitPrice (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
               /* Fill-in the allocated amount-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtLC = 
                    <M-23 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceExchangeRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceRateScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
               /* Fill-in the allocated amount-CC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtCC = 
                    <M-46 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
               /* Fill-in the receipt-amount-TC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC = 
                    <M-24 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice * (if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished = true then t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodOpenQty else t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty) (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
               /* Fill-in the receipt-amount-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtLC = 
                    <M-25 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodExchRate2 / t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodExchRate (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>.
       /* Fill-in the receipt-amount-CC */
       /* NOTE; The CC-value posted on the receipt-account should be calculated based upon the rounded LC-value */
       /* Mathematically it should be more correct to start the caluclation of the CC-value based upon the rounded LC-value but as the operational side starts the calculation from the rounded-amoutn, we have to act the same here as we would otherwise have a difference we cannot get rid off */
       /* See also FIN-2072 as this change was made based upon that ticket */
       /* Note that a similar change is made in method AdditionalUpdatesAllLinesPLReceiptPvod*/
       if vcCompanyCC <> t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCurrency
       then assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtCC =  <M-48 RoundAmount
                                                                  (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtLC * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCRate * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                                                                   input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                                                                   input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>.
       else assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtCC = t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC.
               /* Fill-in the Var-Rate-TC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateTC = 
                    <M-42 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchUnitPrice * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching> - 
                    <M-43 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching>
               /* Fill-in the Var-Rate-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateLC = 
                    <M-26 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceExchangeRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceRateScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
               /* Fill-in the Var-Rate-CC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateCC = 
                    <M-50 RoundAmount
                       (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                        input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                        input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
               /* Fill-in the Var-Usage-TC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageTC = 
                    (if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished <> true
                     then 0 
                     else <M-44 RoundAmount
                             (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnMatchQty * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice (idUnroundedAmount), 
                              input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                              input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching> - 
                        <M-45 RoundAmount
                           (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodOpenQty * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice (idUnroundedAmount), 
                            input  ? (iiCurrencyID), 
                            input  t_sAPMatching.tcCurrencyCode (icCurrencyCode)) in BAPMatching> )
               /* Fill-in the Var-Usage-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageLC = 
                    (if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished <> true
                     then 0 
                     else <M-27 RoundAmount
                             (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceExchangeRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceRateScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                              input  viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                              input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>)
               /* Fill-in the Var-Usage-CC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageCC = 
                    (if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished <> true
                     then 0 
                     else <M-49 RoundAmount
                             (input  t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageTC * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCinvoiceCCScale (idUnroundedAmount), 
                              input  viCompanyCCId (iiCurrencyID), 
                              input  ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>)
               /* Fill-in the ExchangeRate-LC */
               t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarExchRateLC = 
                      - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtLC
                      - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageLC 
                      - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateLC).
        if t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCRate * t_sAPMatching.tdCInvoiceCCScale <> t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCRate * t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnPvodCCScale
        then assign /* Fill-in the ExchangeRate-CC */
                    t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarExchRateCC = 
                              - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnReceiptAmtCC
                              - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarUsageCC 
                              - t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnVarRateCC).
    end. /* of else do: Non logistic charges */
end. /* if Base for the calculation */

/* ===================================================================================== */
/* Make sure tAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsVarGLPosting gets assigned to 'true' as default */
/* ===================================================================================== */                                                         
if t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsVarGLPosting = ?
then assign t_sAPMatchingLn.APMatchingLnIsVarGLPosting = true.

/* ====================== */
/* Set Return status = OK */
/* ====================== */
if oiReturnStatus = -98 
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.