project QadFinancials > class BAPMatching > method GetPendingVouchersPOShipper
Get pending vouchers which are related to purchase order shipper invoice.
icAPMatchingTcRowid | input | character | icAPMatchingTcRowid: Rowid (converted to character) of the matching. This corresponds with field tAPMatching.tc_rowid. |
icPOShipperInvoice | input | character | |
icSupplier | input | character | |
ilAutoSelect | input | logical | |
idCInvoiceTCLCRate | input | decimal | |
idCInvoiceTCLCScale | input | decimal | |
idCInvoiceTCCCRate | input | decimal | |
idCInvoiceTCCCScale | input | decimal | |
idCInvoiceTotalAmountTC | input | decimal | |
idCInvoiceARRecTaxTC | input | decimal | |
idCInvoiceARNRecTaxTC | input | decimal | |
ilCallGTM | input | logical | ilCallGTM: Set to true in case you want this method to call GTM to recalculate the taxes. If false, then the taxes will just be taken from the pending-voucher |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program7/bapmatching.p)
/* ===================================================================================== */
/* Method: GetPendingVouchersPOShipper */
/* Desc: Get pending vouchers which are related to purchase order shipper invoice. */
/* Pending vouchers linked to POShipper cannot be modified on user interface */
/* and therefore all values are defaulted */
/* Result: Result is stored in temporary table tPendingVoucherAPM */
/* ===================================================================================== */
/* ====================== */
/* Default return-status */
/* ====================== */
if icPOShipperInvoice = '':U then return.
assign oiReturnStatus = -98.
<Q-31 run CheckVertexIsEnabled (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input vcDomainCode, (DomainCode)
input {&VERTEX-MODULE}, (VertexModule)
input {&VERTEX-FIELD}, (VertexField)
input TRUE, (VertexLogical)
output dataset tqCheckVertexIsEnabled) in BMfgControlWorkTable>
assign vlIsVertexEnabled = vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable.
/* ===================================================================== */
/* Check whether for all purchase leger invoice lines */
/* exist pending voucher (these are PLID_DET lines with plid_pvo_id = 0 */
/* Workaround - value -999999 is converted to 0 in query */
/* ===================================================================== */
<Q-8 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = PLInvoiceDetailForMatching (NoCache)
(input vcDomainCode, (DomainCode)
input -999999, (PvoID)
input icPOShipperInvoice, (POShipperInvoice)) in BMfgPLInvoice >
if not (vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = false)
then do:
assign vcMessageText = #T-9'There are Accounts Payable invoice lines with missing receipts. You can only perform matching for fully-receipted invoices.':255(56774)T-9#.
<M-10 run SetMessage
(input vcMessageText (icMessage),
input '':U (icArguments),
input '':U (icFieldName),
input '':U (icFieldValue),
input 'E':U (icType),
input 3 (iiSeverity),
input '':U (icRowid),
input 'QadFin-5792':U (icFcMsgNumber),
input '':U (icFcExplanation),
input '':U (icFcIdentification),
input '':U (icFcContext),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAPMatching>
assign oiReturnStatus = -1.
/* ==================================================== */
/* retrieve all pending vouchers linked with PO Shipper */
/* ==================================================== */
<Q-78 run PLInvoiceForMatchingPvo (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input vcDomainCode, (DomainCode)
input ?, (CompanyId)
input icPOShipperInvoice, (POShipperInvoice)
input icSupplier, (Supplier)
input ?, (PliKeyId)
output dataset tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo) in BMfgPLInvoice>
/* ====================================================================================================== */
/* Specific actions required in case a PVO is originated from the Fiscal Receiving */
/* Pending vouchers originated from Fiscal Receiving can be distinguished by this: */
/* pvo_mstr.pvo_external_ref consists of two comma-sep entries (where the first */
/* entry is the LegalDocumentNumber and the second one is the transaction/effective-date) */
/* For PVO's originated from the Fiscal Receiving this query will only return the taxes belonging to the */
/* POReceipt that preceeded the Fiscal Receipt. */
/* As adapting the query to return the correct underlying taxes was not feasible, we will here: */
/* 1 Query the taxes of the Fiscal Receipt with another query */
/* 2 Create a new record in tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo for every record of step 1 */
/* 3 Remove the ones of the Receipt - but only in case there are taxes for the Fiscal Receipt */
/* ====================================================================================================== */
/* Sample: We only want the tx2d_det records that actually belong to the pvod, so we delete the ones that */
/* do not really belong to the pvod */
/* Sample Data: */
/* tctx2d_ref: Either just "R0000125", */
/* Either "lorre,X11-LD3,11/10/12" with the date in format YY MM DD (12 October) */
/* pvo_external_ref: "X11-LD3,11/10/12" with the date in format YY MM DD (12 October) */
/* pvo_supplier: lorre */
/* ====================================================================================================== */
/* We need to manualy define a buffer on tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo as CB doesn't support this */
define buffer btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo for tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.
/* Go through all pending-voucher-details that relate to fiscal-receipts */
for each tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo where
num-entries(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_external_ref,',':U) = 2
break by tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_domain
by tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id
by tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line :
/* Last-of is needed as tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo holds a records for every tax-code linked to the pending-voucher-detail */
if last-of (tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line)
then do :
/* Query on the tax-details: Check if we can find tax-details related to the fiscal-receipt of this pending-voucher-detail */
/* Note: it was not able to take all conditions into account with this query call and therefore some conditions are there when going through the result-set of this query */
assign vcTx2dReference = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_supplier + ',':U + tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_external_ref
viTx2dLine = if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_order_type = '01':U
then tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_order_line
else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line.
<Q-37 run TaxDetailByKey (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_domain, (Tx2dDomain)
input vcTx2dReference, (Tx2dReference)
input tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_order, (Tx2dNumber)
input viTx2dLine, (Tx2dLine)
input ?, (Tx2dTrailer)
input ?, (Tx2dTransactionType)
input ?, (Tx2dTaxCode)
output dataset tqTaxDetailByKey) in BMfgTaxDetail>
/* Indicate we have not yet found a tqTaxDetailByKey-record by setting vlFoundtqTaxDetailByKey to false */
assign vlFoundtqTaxDetailByKey = false.
/* Go through all tqTaxDetailByKey with some additional conditions as the query could not hold all conditions */
for each tqTaxDetailByKey where
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_domain = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_domain AND
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_ref = vcTx2dReference AND
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_nbr = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_order AND
(tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '45' or
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '43' or
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '21' or
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '27' or
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '25' or
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '60' or
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '17' or
tqTaxDetailByKey.tctx2d_tr_type = '30') AND
((tqTaxDetailByKey.titx2d_line = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_order_line and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_order_type = '01') or
(tqTaxDetailByKey.titx2d_line = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_order_type = '02' and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_order_line = 0) or
(tqTaxDetailByKey.titx2d_line = 0 and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_order_type = '01')) :
/* Copy the current tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo record into a new record and copy and overwrite the tax-info in the new records with the info of tqTaxDetailByKey */
Create btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.
Buffer-copy tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo to btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.
Buffer-copy tqTaxDetailByKey to btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.
/* Indicate we have found a tqTaxDetailByKey-record by setting vlFoundtqTaxDetailByKey to true */
assign vlFoundtqTaxDetailByKey = true.
end. /* If can-find (first tqTaxDetailByKey where */
/* If we have created new tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo-records in the previous loop on tqTaxDetailByKey */
/* then we will now remove the original tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo-records that hold the incorrect taxes */
/* We can distinguish the old ones from the newly created ones as the old ones haven't got 3 entries in field tctctx2d_ref */
if vlFoundtqTaxDetailByKey = true
then do :
for each btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo where
btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_domain = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_domain and
btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id and
btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line and
rowid(btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo) <> rowid(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo) and
num-entries(btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_ref,",":U) <> 3:
delete btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.
end. /* for each btqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo where */
delete tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.
end. /* if vlFoundtqTaxDetailByKey = true */
end. /* if last-of (tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line) */
end. /* for each tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo where*/
/* ==================================================== */
/* Go through the result set of the query */
/* ==================================================== */
for each tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo
break by tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_domain
by tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id
by tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line:
/* =============================================== */
/* Skip PVO's on companies you dont have access to */
/* =============================================== */
if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPOMstrCompanyCode <> ? and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPOMstrCompanyCode <> "":U
then if not can-do(vcListAccessibleCompanyCodes,tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPOMstrCompanyCode)
then next.
else if not can-do(vcListAccessibleCompanyCodes,tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPODDetCompanyCode)
then next.
/* =========================================================================================== */
/* Create output records for matching line */
/* Do not set the Quantities, Prices etc yet as in case of tax-included, the taxes need to be */
/* subtracted from the pvod-price to come to the naked value of the goods and that can only be */
/* done once we have passed all tax-details: this will thus be done with the 'last-of' option */
/* The creation and assigment of most other prtoperties assings here already as we need this */
/* record to be here when creating the underlaying tax-details */
/* =========================================================================================== */
if first-of(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line)
then do :
create tPendingVoucherAPM.
assign tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodIsLgCharge = false
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodLgCharge = "":U
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished = ilAutoSelect
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnIsVarGLPosting = true
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodCCCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_accrual_cc
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodPrjCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvod_project
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodDivCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_accrual_sub
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodExchRate = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_ex_rate
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodExchRate2 = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_ex_rate2
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodGLCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_accrual_acct
tPendingVoucherAPM.PvodLineID = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line
tPendingVoucherAPM.PvoDomain = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_domain
tPendingVoucherAPM.PvoID = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvo_id
tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_accrual_acct
tPendingVoucherAPM.tcDivisionCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_accrual_sub
tPendingVoucherAPM.tcCostCentreCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_accrual_cc
tPendingVoucherAPM.tcProjectCode = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_project
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodCurrency = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_curr
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodExtRef = substring(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_external_ref,1,50,'character':U)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodIntRef = substring(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_internal_ref,1,50,'character':U)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodItem = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_part
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodItemDescr1 = substring(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpt_desc1,1,24,'character':U)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodItemDescr2 = substring(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpt_desc2,1,24,'character':U)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodSupplItem = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpod_vpart
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodUoM = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcprh_um = ? then "":U else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcprh_um)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodUomConv = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdprh_um_conv = ? then 1 else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdprh_um_conv)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodTransDate = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.ttpvod_trans_date
tPendingVoucherAPM.ttAPMatchingLnPvodEffDate = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.ttpvod_eff_date
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOrder = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_order
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOrderLnNbr = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvo_line
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOrderType = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_order_type = {&PENDINGVOUCHER-ORDERTYPE-DO}
else if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_order_type = {&PENDINGVOUCHER-ORDERTYPE-SO}
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodItemType = if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcprh_type = "":U
else if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcprh_type = "S":U
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodReceiptQty = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_trans_qty
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodSite = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcprh_site = ? then "":U else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcprh_site)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodConvFactor = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdprh_um_conv = ? then 1 else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdprh_um_conv)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodCompCode = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPOMstrCompanyCode <> ? and tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPOMstrCompanyCode <> "":U then tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPOMstrCompanyCode else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcPODDetCompanyCode)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodCompID = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tiPOMstrCompanyID <> ? and tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tiPOMstrCompanyID <> 0 then tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tiPOMstrCompanyID else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tiPODDetCompanyID)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodPliKeyId = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tiplid_pli_keyid
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodPlidLine = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tiplid_line
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodPackingQty = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdprh_ps_qty
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxable = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tlpvo_taxable = ? then false else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tlpvo_taxable)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodTaxEnv = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_env = ? then "":U else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_env)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodTaxClass = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_taxc = ? then "":U else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_taxc)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodTaxUsage = (if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_usage = ? then "":U else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_usage)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodSupplier = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_supplier
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodPayCond = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpo_cr_terms
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnIsTaxable = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxable
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnTaxEnv = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodTaxEnv
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnTaxClass = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodTaxClass
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnTaxUsage = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodTaxUsage
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodInvoicedTC = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvo_vouchered_amt
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodAccruedTC = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvo_accrued_amt
tPendingVoucherAPM.tlIsNeededToRecallGTM = false
tPendingVoucherAPM.tlIsSelected = ilAutoSelect
tPendingVoucherAPM.tc_Status = "N":U
tPendingVoucherAPM.tc_Rowid = string(viRowidPendingVoucherAPM)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodFromTaxZone = (if vlIsVertexEnabled then tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_zone_from else "":U)
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodToTaxZone = (if vlIsVertexEnabled then tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_zone_to else "":U)
viRowidPendingVoucherAPM = viRowidPendingVoucherAPM + 1.
/* ================================================ */
/* Check if accrual account is not an Op Alloc Code */
/* tcGLCode and APMatchingLnPvodGLCode are the same */
/* ================================================ */
if tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode <> ? and
tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode <> "":U
then do:
<Q-19 assign vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable = AlMstrByDomainCode (Cache)
(input tPendingVoucherAPM.PvoDomain, (Domain)
input tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode, (Code)) in BMfgAllocationAccount>
if vlFcQueryRecordsAvailable <> false
then assign tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOpAllocCode = tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnOpAllocCode = tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode
tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode = "":U
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodGLCode = "":U.
else assign tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOpAllocCode = "":U
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnOpAllocCode = "":U.
end. /* if tPendingVoucherAPM.tcGLCode <> ? and */
/* =============================================== */
/* Set Taxable to false in case there are no taxes */
/* =============================================== */
if tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxable = true and
(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_env = ? or
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_env = "":U) and
(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_taxc = ? or
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_taxc = "":U) and
(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_usage = ? or
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2d_tax_usage = "":U)
then assign tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxable = false
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnIsTaxable = false.
/* ========================== */
/* Reset the sum of the taxes */
/* ========================== */
assign vdSumTaxesWithTaxIncluded = 0.
end. /* if first-of tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line */
/* ============ */
/* Tax handling */
/* ============ */
if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2_tax_code <> ? and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2_domain <> ? and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2_tax_code <> "":U and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2_domain <> "":U
then do :
/* ========================================================== */
/* Call submethod that will create the underlying tax records */
/* ========================================================== */
<M-11 run GetPendingVouchersPOShipperTax
(input ilAutoSelect (ilAutoSelect),
input ilCallGTM (ilCallGTM),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAPMatching>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then Return.
/* ============================= */
/* Increase the sum of the taxes */
/* ============================= */
assign vdSumTaxesWithTaxIncluded = vdSumTaxesWithTaxIncluded + tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdtx2d_cur_tax_amt.
end. /* if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tctx2_tax_code <> ? and */
/* ================================================================================================ */
/* Update details for the output records for the matching line */
/* Setting the Quantities, Prices etc can only be done here and net on in the 'first-of as in case */
/* of tax-included, the taxes need to be subtracted from the pvod-price to come to the naked value */
/* of the goods and that can only be done once we have passed all tax-details */
/* ================================================================================================ */
if last-of(tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line)
then do :
/* ================================ */
/* Assign the Prices and Quantities */
/* ================================ */
assign tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOpenQty = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_trans_qty - tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_vouchered_qty
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnMatchQty = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOpenQty
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice = tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_pur_cost *
(if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdprh_um_conv = ? then 1 else tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdprh_um_conv) *
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_ex_rate /
if tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tltx2d_tax_in = true and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_trans_qty <> 0 and
tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_trans_qty <> ?
then assign tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice -
(vdSumTaxesWithTaxIncluded / tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_trans_qty). /* vdSumTaxesWithTaxIncluded is the total tax of the receipt and pvod_trans_qty is the receipt qty */
assign tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnMatchUnitPrice = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOpenAmtTC = <M-48 RoundAmount
(input tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOpenQty * tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice (idUnroundedAmount),
input ? (iiCurrencyID),
input tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tcpvo_curr (icCurrencyCode)) in business>
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC = tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnPvodOpenAmtTC
tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnMatchAmtLC = <M-85 RoundAmount
(input tPendingVoucherAPM.APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC * tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_ex_rate / tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tdpvod_ex_rate2 (idUnroundedAmount),
input viCompanyLCId (iiCurrencyID),
input ? (icCurrencyCode)) in business>.
/* =========================================================================== */
/* Call - via a submethod - method in BCosting the returns the costing methods */
/* =========================================================================== */
<M-13 run GetPendingVouchersAssignCostMethodsCCRate
(input icAPMatchingTcRowid (icAPMatchingTcRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAPMatching>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then Return.
/* ==================================================================================== */
/* Compose the Amount and the Qty of this Pvod that is located on other APMatchingLines */
/* linked to this Pvod and with APMatching.APMatchingStatus = Initial */
/* The field that are assigned here, exist just for informational reasons (no BL-logic) */
/* ==================================================================================== */
<M-34 run GetPendingVouchersAssignPendingMatchFields
(input icAPMatchingTcRowid (icAPMatchingTcRowid),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAPMatching>
if viFcReturnSuper <> 0 then assign oiReturnStatus = viFcReturnSuper.
if viFcReturnSuper < 0 then Return.
end. /* if last-of tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo.tipvod_id_line */
end. /* for each tqPLInvoiceForMatchingPvo */
/* ===================================================== */
/* Return-status = OK */
/* ===================================================== */
if oiReturnStatus = -98
then assign oiReturnStatus = 0.