field name | data type | description |
APMatchingLn_ID | integer | |
APMatching_ID | integer | |
PvoPostingLine_ID | integer | |
VarRatePostingLine_ID | integer | |
VarUsagePostingLine_ID | integer | |
VarExchRatePostingLine_ID | integer | |
VarExchRatCCPostingLine_ID | integer | |
NewExpensePostingLine_ID | integer | |
RevExpensePostingLine_ID | integer | |
GL_ID | integer | |
Division_ID | integer | |
CostCentre_ID | integer | |
Project_ID | integer | |
PvoDomain | character | |
PvoID | integer | |
PvodLineID | integer | |
APMatchingLnPvodIsLgCharge | logical | |
APMatchingLnPvodLgCharge | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodItemType | character | Possible values: Normal, Memo or Sub-contract |
APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdGL | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodCostMtdCur | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodExchRate | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodExchRate2 | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodCCRate | decimal(10) | Rate between LC and SC at the moment of the receipt (type: Statutory - optional: accounting) |
APMatchingLnPvodCCScale | decimal(10) | Scale between LC and SC at the moment of the receipt (type: Statutory - optional: accounting) |
APMatchingLnPvodReceiptQty | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrice | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxIncl | logical | |
APMatchingLnPvodUnitPrNT | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodAccruedTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnPvodInvoicedTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnPvodOpenQty | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodOpenAmtTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnPvodGLCode | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodDivCode | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodCCCode | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodPrjCode | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodCurrency | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodIntRef | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodExtRef | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodPackingQty | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodSupplItem | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodItem | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodItemDescr1 | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodItemDescr2 | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodUoM | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodUoMConv | decimal(10) | Conversion factor between base UoM and PO UoM |
APMatchingLnPvodSupplier | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodOrderType | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodOrder | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodOrderLnNbr | integer | |
APMatchingLnPvodTransDate | date | |
APMatchingLnPvodSite | character | APMatchingLnPvodSite |
APMatchingLnPvodCompID | integer | APMatchingLnPvodCompID |
APMatchingLnPvodCompCode | character | APMatchingLnPvodCompCode |
APMatchingLnPvodConvFactor | decimal(8) | APMatchingLnPvodConvFactor; The unit of measure conversion factor for a PO receipt. |
APMatchingLnPvodPayCond | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodPLiKeyId | integer | |
APMatchingLnPvodPLidLine | integer | |
APMatchingLnPvodIsTaxable | logical | |
APMatchingLnPvodTaxEnv | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodTaxClass | character | |
APMatchingLnPvodTaxUsage | character | |
APMatchingLnIsPvodFinished | logical | |
APMatchingLnPvodOpAllocCode | character | |
APMatchingLnMatchQty | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodFromTaxZone | character | |
APMatchingLnMatchUnitPrice | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnPvodToTaxZone | character | |
APMatchingLnMatchIsTaxIncl | logical | |
APMatchingLnMatchUnitPrNT | decimal(10) | |
APMatchingLnMatchAmtTxInTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnMatchAmtTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnMatchAmtLC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnMatchAmtCC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnReceiptAmtTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnReceiptAmtLC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnReceiptAmtCC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarRateTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarRateLC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarRateCC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarUsageTC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarUsageLC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarUsageCC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarExchRateLC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnVarExchRateCC | decimal(4) | |
APMatchingLnIsVarGLPosting | logical | Yes: Use G/L Var account No: Use WIP account |
APMatchingLnIsTaxable | logical | |
APMatchingLnTaxEnv | character | |
APMatchingLnTaxClass | character | |
APMatchingLnTaxUsage | character | |
APMatchingLnOpAllocCode | character | |
tcGLCode | character | |
tcDivisionCode | character | |
tcCostCentreCode | character | |
tcProjectCode | character | |
tdAPMatchingLnPendingMatchAmtTC | decimal(4) | Pending Matched Amt TC of this Pending Voucher Detail on other initial Matchings |
tdAPMatchingLnPendingMatchQty | decimal(10) | Pending Matched Qty of this Pending Voucher Details on other initial Matchings |
tlIsSelected | logical | |
tlIsNeededToRecallGTM | logical | |
tdAPMatchingLnARRecTaxTC | decimal(4) | APMatchingLnARRecTaxTC: calculated field only used internaly on the BL-side. This field is the sum of the associated field in the underlaying APMatchignLnTax records. This field gets filled in a submethod of ValidateComponent. |
tdAPMatchingLnARNRecTaxTC | decimal(4) | APMatchingLnARNRecTaxTC: calculated field only used internaly on the BL-side. This field is the sum of the associated field in the underlaying APMathcignLnTax records. This field gets filled in a submethod of ValidateComponent. |
tdAPMatchingLnAIRecTaxTC | decimal(4) | APMatchingLnAIRecTaxTC: calculated field only used internaly on the BL-side. This field is the sum of the associated field in the underlaying APMathcignLnTax records. This field gets filled in a submethod of ValidateComponent. |
tdAPMatchingLnAINRecTaxTC | decimal(4) | APMatchingLnAINRecTaxTC: calculated field only used internaly on the BL-side. This field is the sum of the associated field in the underlaying APMathcignLnTax records. This field gets filled in a submethod of ValidateComponent. |
tdAPMatchingLnOrigARRetainTaxTC | decimal(4) | APMatchingLnOrigARRetainTaxTC: calculated field only used internaly on the BL-side. This field is the sum of the TaxTC fields on the tax-details of the pvo that have the Retained on. This field is not based upon the data in tAPMatchingLnTax but based upon the taxes of the pending-voucher. This field gets filled in a submethod of ValidateComponent. |
tdAPMatchingLnOrigARRecTaxTC | decimal(4) | APMatchingLnOrigARRecTaxTC: calculated field only used internaly on the BL-side. This field is the sum of the Recoverable TaxTC fields on the tax-details of the pvo that are marked as AccrueAtReceipt. This field is not based upon the data in tAPMatchingLnTax but based upon the taxes of the pending-voucher. This field gets filled in a submethod of ValidateComponent. |
tdAPMatchingLnOrigARNRecTaxTC | decimal(4) | APMatchingLnOrigARNRecTaxTC: calculated field only used internaly on the BL-side. This field is the sum of the non-rRecoverable TaxTC fields on the tax-details of the pvo that are marked as AccrueAtReceipt. This field is not based upon the data in tAPMatchingLnTax but based upon the taxes of the pending-voucher. This field gets filled in a submethod of ValidateComponent. |
tcAPMatchingLnCostAdjGLCode | character | For BL purposes only. This field contains GL account used for posting of cost adjustment amount. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnCostAdjDivCode | character | For BL purposes only. This field contains Division used for posting of cost adjustment amount. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnCostAdjCCCode | character | For BL purposes only. This field contains Cost Centre used for posting of cost adjustment amount. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnDiscrpGLCode | character | This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnDiscrpDivCode | character | For BL purposes only. This field contains Division used for posting of discrepancy amount. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnDiscrpCCCode | character | For BL purposes only. This field contains Cost Centre for posting of discrepancy amount. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnRateVarGLCode | character | APMatchingLnRateVarGLCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnRateVarDivCode | character | APMatchingLnRateVarDivCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnRateVarCCCode | character | APMatchingLnRateVarCCCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnPVVGLCode | character | APMatchingLnPVVGLCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnPVVDivCode | character | APMatchingLnPVVDivCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnPVVCCCode | character | APMatchingLnPVVCCCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tlLogChargeHeaderIsFinished | logical | Field used to hold the IsFinished-property that was stated on the logistic-charge pop-up form |
tlLogChargeHeaderIsSelected | logical | Field used to hold the IsSelected-property that was stated on the logistic-charge pop-up form |
tdLogChargeHeaderMatchedAmountTC | decimal(4) | Field used to hold the MatchedAmount-property that was stated on the logistic-charge pop-up form |
QADC01 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADC02 | character | unused QAD reserved field |
QADT01 | date | unused QAD reserved field |
QADD01 | decimal(10) | unused QAD reserved field |
ttAPMatchingLnPvodEffDate | date | Pending voucher effective date |
tcAPMatchingLnUsageVarGLCode | character | APMatchingLnUsageVarGLCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnUsageVarDivCode | character | APMatchingLnUsageVarDivCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tcAPMatchingLnUsageVarCCCode | character | APMatchingLnUsageVarCCCode: Calc-field only used on BL-side only. This field gets filled in a submethod of AdditionalUpdates. |
tc_Rowid | character | |
tc_ParentRowid | character | |
tc_Status | character |