icAction | input | character | SAVE SAVEDRAFT DRAFT VALIDATE |
ilReturnDataset | input | logical | Indication whether the logic should return the official dataset of the object that has just been created/modified. |
ilPartialUpdate | input | logical | Indication whether the input dataset is a full object or only a partial one. |
icPartialUpdateExceptionList | input | character | Comma separated list with fields that need to be skipped in the test logic for partial update. Fields in the list are specified as t<table>.<field>. |
opPrimaryKey | output | longchar | |
opRowid | output | longchar | |
oiDraftInstance | output | integer | |
ocPrimaryKeyName | output | character | The name of the field(s) in the primary key of the object. Normally this is the name of the object ID of the main table. (like creditor_ID) |
ozObjectRepresentation | output | dataset-handle | The dataset containing the official representation of the object dataset. It should always be passed by-reference, meaning, the dataset handle should be created before the call. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
assign vlReturnDataset = ilReturnDataset vhDatasetToReturn = ozObjectRepresentation vcPrimKey = "". <M-1 run ApiStdMaintainTT (input t_sAddressType (tApiAddressType), input icAction (icAction), output vcDummy (ocLstPrimKey), output vcDummy (ocLstReturn), output vcDummy (ocLstRowid), output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BAddressType> assign ocPrimaryKeyName = vcPrimKey vlReturnDataset = false.