iiRptRequestScheduleId | integer |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcRoleName | character | Role.RoleName | Role Name |
tcRptPrinterName | character | RptPrinter.RptPrinterName | Printer Name |
tcRptRequestMailBCC | character | RptRequest.RptRequestMailBCC | Comma separated list of mail addresses to which the result needs to be sent (as BCC) in a mail attachment. |
tcRptRequestMailBody | character | RptRequest.RptRequestMailBody | The text that need to be in the body of the mail to be sent. |
tcRptRequestMailCC | character | RptRequest.RptRequestMailCC | Comma separated list of mail addresses to which the result needs to be sent (as CC) in a mail attachment. |
tcRptRequestMailSubject | character | RptRequest.RptRequestMailSubject | The text that need to be in the subject of the mail to be sent. |
tcRptRequestMailTo | character | RptRequest.RptRequestMailTo | Comma separated list of mail addresses to which the result needs to be sent (as TO) in a mail attachment. |
tcRptRequestMailType | character | RptRequestMail.RptRequestMailType | possible values: TO CC BCC |
tcRptRequestOutputFormat | character | RptRequest.RptRequestOutputFormat | Type of document to create when writing the report output to the file system. possible values: DOC RPT RTF XLS |
tcRptRequestSaveFileName | character | RptRequest.RptRequestSaveFileName | The name of the file that needs to be saved for the result of the report execution. |
tcRptRequestSaveFolder | character | RptRequest.RptRequestSaveFolder | The name of the folder on the report server machine (best is UNC notation). |
tiRptRequestSchedule_ID | integer | RptRequest.RptRequestSchedule_ID | Report Schedule |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(RptRequest),rowid(RptPrinter),rowid(RptRequestMail),rowid(Role) |