project BLF > class XML > method ConvertTableToXml




ihComponentinputhandleHandle to the calling component instance.
icColumnsinputcharacterComma separated list of names of the columns that need a representation in the XML. The format of the names is "table.columnname".
If the parameter value is left blank, the system assumes that ALL the columns should be represented.
ihStartingNodeinputhandleHandle to the node in the XML document under which the information should be put.
icObjectRowidinputcharactertc_Rowid of the main table record.
ilHeaderOnlyinputlogicalIf true, only the main table will be stored in the xml representation.
ilSuppressEmptyFieldsinputlogicalif true, all the empty fields will be suppressed in the xml representation.

empty fields mean:

- for character fields: blank value
- for date fields: the unknown value
tXmlDynRelinputtemp-tabletFcDynRel passed from database component
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method TConvertInstalNETXML.DumpXMLRepresentation

program code (program1/xml.p)

if not valid-handle (ihComponent)
then return.

for each tXmlDynRel where tXmlDynRel.tcFcFrom = "":
    <M-2 run ConvertTableToXmlSingleTable (input  ihComponent (ihComponent), 
                                       input  icColumns (icColumns), 
                                       input  ihStartingNode (ihStartingNode), 
                                       input  tXmlDynRel.tcFcTo (icTableName), 
                                       input  icObjectRowid (icParentRowid), 
                                       input  ilHeaderOnly (ilHeaderOnly), 
                                       input  ilSuppressEmptyFields (ilSuppressEmptyFields), 
                                       output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in XML>
    if oiReturnStatus <> 0 then return.