ihComponent | input | handle | Handle to the calling component instance. |
icColumns | input | character | Comma separated list of names of the columns that need a representation in the XML. The format of the names is "table.columnname". If the parameter value is left blank, the system assumes that ALL the columns should be represented. |
ihStartingNode | input | handle | Handle to the node in the XML document under which the information should be put. |
icObjectRowid | input | character | tc_Rowid of the main table record. |
ilHeaderOnly | input | logical | If true, only the main table will be stored in the xml representation. |
ilSuppressEmptyFields | input | logical | if true, all the empty fields will be suppressed in the xml representation. empty fields mean: - for character fields: blank value - for date fields: the unknown value |
tXmlDynRel | input | temp-table | tFcDynRel passed from database component |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
if not valid-handle (ihComponent) then return. for each tXmlDynRel where tXmlDynRel.tcFcFrom = "": <M-2 run ConvertTableToXmlSingleTable (input ihComponent (ihComponent), input icColumns (icColumns), input ihStartingNode (ihStartingNode), input tXmlDynRel.tcFcTo (icTableName), input icObjectRowid (icParentRowid), input ilHeaderOnly (ilHeaderOnly), input ilSuppressEmptyFields (ilSuppressEmptyFields), output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in XML> if oiReturnStatus <> 0 then return. end.