project BLF > class tLogger > method LogUnitTest

Internal usage

method ComponentPool.DeActivateInPool
method ComponentPool.SetDebugLevelInPool
method tLogger.FinishUnitTest

program code (program1/tlogger.p)

if  viLogBusinessCodeDataCount > 0
and vcLogBusinessCodeFile <> ""
then do:
    if (viLoggerDebugLevel mod 4) > 1
    then for each tStack by tStack.tiSequence descending:
        viLogBusinessCodeDataCount = viLogBusinessCodeDataCount + 1.
        create tLogBusinessCodeData.
        assign tLogBusinessCodeData.tiCount  = viLogBusinessCodeDataCount
               tLogBusinessCodeData.tcMethod = "<BusCode>" + chr(10)
                                             + "time=" + string(now) + chr(10)
                                             + "method=" + tStack.tcMethod + chr(10)
                                             + "parent=" + tStack.tcParent + chr(10)
                                             + "duration=0" + chr(10)
                                             + "END" + chr(10)
                                             + "</BusCode>" + chr(10).
        release tLogBusinessCodeData.
        delete tStack.

    /* Lock the ct-log file for other processes (multi-threading support).
       If the file is locked, wait for release.
       If no release occurs, ignore the lock.
    do while search(vcLogBusinessCodeFile + ".lock") <> ?:
        if viLockCount > 3 then leave.
        viLockCount = viLockCount + 1.
        pause 1 no-message.
    output stream sLug to value (vcLogBusinessCodeFile + ".lock").
    put stream sLug unformatted "locked" skip.
    output stream sLug close.
    /* write data, 'clean up' carriage-returns first */
    output stream sLug to value (vcLogBusinessCodeFile) append.
    for each tLogBusinessCodeData:
        vcOutput = replace (tLogBusinessCodeData.tcMethod,chr(13),"").
        vcOutput = replace (vcOutput,chr(10),chr(13) + chr(10)).
        put stream sLug unformatted vcOutput skip.
    output stream sLug close.
    empty temp-table tLogBusinessCodeData.
    viLogBusinessCodeDataCount = 0.
    /* release lock */
    os-delete value (vcLogBusinessCodeFile + ".lock").

if vcLogUnitTestFile = ""
then return.

if (viLoggerDebugLevel mod 64) > 31
then do:
    empty temp-table tCompList.
    output stream sLug to value (vcLogUnitTestFile) append.
    /* ================================================================= */
    /* Get a list of business components that are still in memory        */
    /* legally (this list does not include technical components).        */
    /* ================================================================= */
    run GetComponentPool (output dataset tBusCompPool) no-error.
    for each tBusCompPool where tBusCompPool.tlIsInMemory:
        do viFcCount1 = num-entries(tBusCompPool.thProc:super-procedures) to 1 by -1:
            create bbusComp.
            assign bbusComp.tcName = tBusCompPool.tcName
                   bbusComp.thProc = widget-handle(entry(viFcCount1,tBusCompPool.thProc:super-procedures))
                   bbusComp.tlIsInMemory = no.
        find first tCompList where tCompList.tcCompName = "component-" + tBusCompPool.tcName no-error.
        if not available tCompList then create tCompList.
        assign tCompList.tcCompName = "component-" + tBusCompPool.tcName
               tCompList.tiCount    = tCompList.tiCount + 1.
    /* ================================================================= */
    /* Go through all persistent procedures.                             */
    /* List all components and report all other procedures.              */
    /* ================================================================= */
    vhFcComponent = session:first-procedure.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:
        vcProc = vhFcComponent:file-name.
        if vcProc begins "program/"
        or vcProc begins "query/"
        then vcProcList = vcProcList + ","
                        + entry(1,entry(2,vcProc,"/"),".").
        if not (vcProc begins "api/"
             or vcProc begins "appinfo/"
             or vcProc begins "ins/"
             or vcProc begins "query/"
             or vcProc begins "ref_int/"
             or (vcProc begins "program" and
            not (vcProc begins "program/")))
        then do:
            if not can-find (first tBusCompPool where tBusCompPool.thProc = vhFcComponent)
            then do:
                find first tCompList where tCompList.tcCompName = vcProc no-error.
                if not available tCompList then create tCompList.
                assign tCompList.tcCompName = vcProc
                       tCompList.tiCount    = tCompList.tiCount + 1.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    vhFcComponent = session:first-procedure.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:
        vcProc = vhFcComponent:file-name.

        if vcProc begins "api/"
        or vcProc begins "appinfo/"
        or vcProc begins "query/"
        or vcProc begins "ref_int/"
        or (vcProc begins "ins/" and
            not (vhFcComponent:unique-id = viLogUnitTestIgnoreSessionUID))
        or (vcProc begins "program" and
            not (vcProc begins "program/") and
            not (can-do (vcProcList,entry(1,entry(2,vcProc,"/"),"."))))
        then do:
            vhIP = ?.
            vhIP = vhFcComponent:instantiating-procedure no-error.
            /* ignore the queries started from the cacher and the componentpool components */
            if not (vhIP <> ? and
                   (vhIP:file-name = "program1/cacher.p" or
                    vhIP:file-name = "program1/componentpool.p") and
                    vhFcComponent:file-name begins "query")
            put stream sLug unformatted
                 "Error : program not closed properly (" vcProc
                (if vhIP = ?
                 then ""
                 else ") (started from " + vhIP:file-name)
                 ") (ID=" vhFcComponent:unique-id ")" skip.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    for each tCompList where tCompList.tiCount > 1:
        put stream sLug unformatted
            "Error : " tCompList.tcCompName " has " tCompList.tiCount " occurrences in memory." skip.
    /* ================================================================= */
    /* Report forgotten dynamic queries + datasets + buffers.            */
    /* ================================================================= */
    vhFcComponent = session:first-query.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:
        vcTables = "".
        do viFcCount1 = 1 to vhFcComponent:num-buffers:
            vhBuffer = ?.
            vhBuffer = vhFcComponent:get-buffer-handle(viFcCount1) no-error.
            if valid-handle(vhBuffer)
            then do:
                vcReportedBuffers = vcReportedBuffers + "," + string(vhBuffer).
                vcTables = vcTables + "," + vhBuffer:table.
        viFcCount4 = vhFcComponent:unique-id.
        if vhFcComponent:private-data <> "Persistent"
        then do:
            vhIP = ?.
            vhIP = vhFcComponent:instantiating-procedure no-error.
            put stream sLug unformatted
                 "Error : dynamic query not closed properly (ID="
                (if vhFcComponent:name = ""
                 or vhFcComponent:name = ?
                 then ""
                 else ") (name=" + vhFcComponent:name)
                (if vcTables = ""
                 then ""
                 else ") (tables=" + substring(vcTables,2,-1,"CHARACTER"))
                (if vhIP = ?
                 then ""
                 else ") (created from " + vhIP:file-name)
                (if vhFcComponent:private-data = ""
                 or vhFcComponent:private-data = ?
                 then ""
                 else ") (private-data=" + vhFcComponent:private-data)
                 ")" skip.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    vhFcComponent = session:first-dataset.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:

            vcTables = "".
            do viFcCount1 = 1 to vhFcComponent:num-buffers:
                vhBuffer = ?.
                vhBuffer = vhFcComponent:get-buffer-handle(viFcCount1) no-error.
                if valid-handle(vhBuffer)
                then do:
                    vcReportedBuffers = vcReportedBuffers
                                      + "," + string(vhBuffer)
                                      + "," + string(vhBuffer:table-handle).
                    vcTables = vcTables + "," + vhBuffer:table.
            viFcCount4 = vhFcComponent:unique-id.
            if vhFcComponent:private-data <> "Persistent"
            then do:
                vhIP = ?.
                vhIP = vhFcComponent:instantiating-procedure no-error.
                put stream sLug unformatted
                     "Error : dynamic dataset not closed properly (ID="
                    (if vhFcComponent:name = ""
                     or vhFcComponent:name = ?
                     then ""
                     else ") (name=" + vhFcComponent:name)
                    (if vcTables = ""
                     then ""
                     else ") (tables=" + substring(vcTables,2,-1,"CHARACTER"))
                    (if vhIP = ?
                     then ""
                     else ") (created from " + vhIP:file-name)
                    (if vhFcComponent:private-data = ""
                     or vhFcComponent:private-data = ?
                     then ""
                     else ") (private-data=" + vhFcComponent:private-data)
                     ")" skip.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    vhFcComponent = session:first-buffer.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:

        if vhFcComponent:private-data <> "Persistent"
        and not can-do (vcReportedBuffers,string(vhFcComponent))
        then do:
            vhIP = ?.
            vhIP = vhFcComponent:instantiating-procedure no-error.

            put stream sLug unformatted
                 "Error : dynamic " 
                 " not closed properly (ID="
                 vhFcComponent:unique-id ") (name="
                 vhFcComponent:name ""
                (if vhIP = ?
                 then ""
                 else ") (created from " + vhIP:file-name)
                (if vhFcComponent:private-data = ""
                 or vhFcComponent:private-data = ?
                 then ""
                 else ") (private-data=" + vhFcComponent:private-data)
                 ")" skip.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    /* ================================================================= */
    /* Report non-closed connections to other appservers.                */
    /* ================================================================= */
    vhFcComponent = session:first-server.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:
        vhFcQuery = vhFcComponent:first-procedure.
        do while vhFcQuery <> ?:
            vhIP = ?.
            vhIP = vhFcQuery:instantiating-procedure no-error.
            put stream sLug unformatted
                "Error : procedure "
                " is still running on appserver " vhFcComponent:name ""
                (if vhIP = ?
                 then ""
                 else " (started from " + vhIP:file-name + ")")
            vhFcQuery = vhFcQuery:next-sibling.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    /* ================================================================= */
    /* Report non-closed sockets.                                        */
    /* ================================================================= */
    vhFcComponent = session:first-server-socket.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:
        vhIP = ?.
        vhIP = vhFcComponent:instantiating-procedure no-error.
        put stream sLug unformatted
            "Error : server-socket is still open (" vhFcComponent:name ""
           (if vhIP = ?
            then ""
            else ") (created from " + vhIP:file-name)
            ")" skip.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    vhFcComponent = session:first-socket.
    do while vhFcComponent <> ?:
        vhIP = ?.
        vhIP = vhFcComponent:instantiating-procedure no-error.
        put stream sLug unformatted
            "Error : socket is still open (" vhFcComponent:name ""
           (if vhIP = ?
            then ""
            else ") (created from " + vhIP:file-name)
            ")" skip.
        vhFcComponent = vhFcComponent:next-sibling.
    output stream sLug close.
    output stream sLug to value (vcLogUTIntermediateFile) append.
    put stream sLug unformatted "ACTIVATE " skip.      /* count client-server calls */
    for each tCompList by tCompList.tcCompName:
        put stream sLug unformatted
            "PROCEDURE 0 " tCompList.tcCompName skip.
    output stream sLug close.
    empty temp-table tCompList.
    empty temp-table tBusCompPool.