project BLF > class tLogger > method LogDatabaseAccess
Log an update in the log file.
icLogEntry | input | character | Character strig that needs to be written to the log file |
ihBuffer | input | handle | |
Internal usage
program code (program1/tlogger.p)
if (viLoggerDebugLevel mod 16) > 7
then if vlStatelessMode
then do transaction on error undo, leave:
viLogBusinessCodeDataCount = viLogBusinessCodeDataCount + 1.
create tLogBusinessCodeData.
assign tLogBusinessCodeData.tiCount = viLogBusinessCodeDataCount
tLogBusinessCodeData.tcMethod = "<DatabaseAccess>" + chr(10)
+ "time=" + string(now) + chr(10)
+ icLogEntry + chr(10).
if ihBuffer <> ?
and ihBuffer:type = "BUFFER":U
then do:
vcValue = string(ihBuffer:rowid) no-error.
tLogBusinessCodeData.tcMethod = tLogBusinessCodeData.tcMethod + "rowid=" + vcValue + chr(10).
tLogBusinessCodeData.tcMethod = tLogBusinessCodeData.tcMethod + "</DatabaseAccess>" + chr(10).
release tLogBusinessCodeData.
else if vcLogBusinessCodeFile <> ""
then do:
output stream sLug to value(vcLogBusinessCodeFile) append.
put stream sLug unformatted
"<DatabaseAccess>" skip
"time=" now skip
icLogEntry skip.
if ihBuffer <> ?
and ihBuffer:type = "BUFFER":U
then do:
vcValue = string(ihBuffer:rowid) no-error.
put stream sLug unformatted
"rowid=" vcValue skip.
put stream sLug unformatted
"</DatabaseAccess>" skip(1).
output stream sLug close.
if (viLoggerDebugLevel mod 32) > 15
and ihBuffer <> ?
then do:
output stream sLug to value(vcLogDatabaseAccessFile) append.
put stream sLug unformatted replace(string(now),",":U,".":U) "," icLogEntry.
if ihBuffer:type = "BUFFER":U
then do viFcCount1 = 1 to ihBuffer:num-fields:
vhField = ihBuffer:buffer-field(viFcCount1).
if not (vhField:name begins "CustomShort":U or
vhField:name begins "CustomCombo":U or
vhField:name begins "CustomLong":U or
vhField:name begins "CustomNote":U or
vhField:name begins "CustomDate":U or
vhField:name begins "CustomInteger":U or
vhField:name begins "CustomDecimal":U or
vhField:name = "tc_Rowid":U or
vhField:name = "tc_ParentRowid":U or
vhField:name = "tc_Status":U)
then do:
vcValue = "<NotAvailable>".
vcValue = vhField:buffer-value no-error.
/* remove characters that disrupt CSV formatting */
vcValue = replace(vcValue,",":U,"<comma>":U).
vcValue = replace(vcValue,chr(10),"<cr>":U).
put stream sLug unformatted
put stream sLug unformatted skip.
output stream sLug close.
if (viLoggerDebugLevel mod 64) > 31
and ihBuffer = ?
then do:
viFcCount1 = index(icLogEntry,"Record count=").
if viFcCount1 > 0
then do:
vcValue = substring(icLogEntry,viFcCount1 + 13,-1,"CHARACTER").
vcValue = entry(1,vcValue,chr(10)).
vcValue = entry(1,vcValue," ").
viFcCount1 = 0.
viFcCount1 = integer(vcValue) no-error.
if icLogEntry begins "query "
then vcValue = substring(entry(1,icLogEntry,chr(10)),6,-1,"CHARACTER").
else vcValue = "".
output stream sLug to value(vcLogUTIntermediateFile) append.
if icLogEntry matches "*WHOLE-INDEX*"
then put stream sLug unformatted "READ-WI " viFcCount1 vcValue skip.
else put stream sLug unformatted "READ " viFcCount1 vcValue skip.
output stream sLug close.