project BLF > class TDocumentLink > method CopyDocumentAttachments


Copy all document attachments of an existing business object to a new business object. Any existing document attachments on the new business object will be removed.


icComponentNameinputcharactername of the business component
(can be found in vcFcComponentName)
iiFromCompanyIDinputintegerin case the parent object is scoped to a single company, give the ID of the company that it is created in
iiFromSharedSetIDinputintegerin case the parent object is scoped to a shared set, give the ID of the shared set that it is created in
icFromParentObjectKeyinputcharactergive an identification for the parent object
iiToCompanyIDinputintegerin case the parent object is scoped to a single company, give the ID of the company that it is created in
icToParentObjectKeyinputcharactergive an identification for the parent object
ocResponseoutputcharacterResponse will be empty when the operation was succesful

Internal usage


program code (program1/tdocumentlink.p)

/* copy nothing if no documents exist */
<M-72 run CollectionExists
   (input  vcWebdavRoot + 'attachments/' + icComponentName + '/' + string(iiFromCompanyID) + '/' + string(iiFromSharedsetID) + '/' + icFromParentObjectKey (icPath), 
    output vlExists (olExists)) in TDocumentLink>
if not vlExists
then return.

<M-54 run CopyResource
   (input  'attachments/' + icComponentName + '/' + string(iiFromCompanyID) + '/' + string(iiFromSharedsetID) + '/' + icFromParentObjectKey (icCreatePath), 
    input  'attachments/' + icComponentName + '/' + string(iiToCompanyID) + '/' + string(iiToSharedsetID) + '/' + icToParentObjectKey (icCopyPath), 
    output ocResponse (ocResponse)) in TDocumentLink>