project BLF > class TDaemonUtility > method CreateDaemonConfig
icFilename | input | character | |
iiDebugLevel | input | integer | |
icDaemonName | input | character | Name of the daemon that corresponds with fcDaemon.DaemonName |
Internal usage
program code (program1/tdaemonutility.p)
output stream sProcessRead to value (icFilename).
put stream sProcessRead unformatted
"#Specify DebugLevel: 0=no logging, 6=default logging, 31=extended logging" skip
"DebugLevel=" iiDebugLevel skip " " skip
"#Specify Extra Daemon Propath, use ',' as delimiter, use '/'" skip
"#PROPATH=" skip " " skip
"#Specify Extra Daemon Progress Parameters" skip
"#EXTRAPAR=" skip.
output stream sProcessRead close.