project BLF > class TApplication > method Main


Main method


iiSessionIdinputintegerSession Id.
This SHOULD be filled in when this component is used from within another component in the business layer.
This SHOULD be filled in with 0 if this component is called externally (eg. from the ApplicationControl program to start and stop the application)

Internal usage

method BControlProperty.apiExportFactoryDefaults
method BReportVariant.apiExportFactoryDefaults
method BReportVariant.apiSynchronise
method BRole.ApiSynchronizeDefaultRoles
method BStoredSearch.apiExportFactoryDefaults
method BStoredSearch.ApiSynchronise
method BSystem.ApiDumpDefaultSecurity
method BSystem.ApiGetDefaultsFolder
method BSystem.ApiLoadDefaultSecurity
method BSystem.ApiSynchronise2

program code (program1/tapplication.p)

assign viSessionId = iiSessionId.

/* code copied from generated instance programs (start) */
vlFcOk = no.
publish "ComponentPoolIsRunning" (output vlFcOk).
if vlFcOk = no
then do:
    <M-1 run Main  () in ComponentPool>