olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected | output | logical | True if all databases are Progress databases False if one of the connected databases is not a Progress database |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
do viFcCount1 = 1 to num-dbs: if dbtype(viFcCount1) = "Progress":U then assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = yes. else do: assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = no. return. end. end. /* /* =================================================================== */ /* Check if the variabale that holds this indication is already filled */ /* If so then simply return that value. */ /* =================================================================== */ assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = vlOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected. if olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected <> ? then return. /* ================================================================ */ /* Go through all connected databases that are named Fc or Scba */ /* If one of them is not a Progress-db then set the output to false */ /* If all of then are Progress-db's then set output to true */ /* If we cannot find these databases then the output stays = ? */ /* ================================================================ */ do viCounter = 1 to NUM-DBS by 1 : if ldbname(viCounter) = "Scba":U or ldbname(viCounter) = "FC":U then do : if DBTYPE(viCounter) = "Progress":U and olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = ? then assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = true. if DBTYPE(viCounter) <> "Progress":U then assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = false. end. /* ldbname(viCounter) = "Efas":U or ldbname(viCounter) = "FC":U */ end. /* do viCounter = 1 to NUM-DBS */ assign vlOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected. */