project BLF > class Session > method OnlyProgressDatabasesConnected


Returns a logical that indicates if the databases that are connected are all Progress databases or not


olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnectedoutputlogicalTrue if all databases are Progress databases
False if one of the connected databases is not a Progress database
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program6/session.p)

do viFcCount1 = 1 to num-dbs:
    if dbtype(viFcCount1) = "Progress":U
    then assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = yes.
    else do:
        assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = no.

    /* =================================================================== */
    /* Check if the variabale that holds this indication is already filled */
    /* If so then simply return that value.                                */
    /* =================================================================== */
    assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = vlOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected.
    if olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected <> ?
    then return.
    /* ================================================================ */
    /* Go through all connected databases that are named Fc or Scba     */
    /* If one of them is not a Progress-db then set the output to false */
    /* If all of then are Progress-db's then set output to true         */
    /* If we cannot find these databases then the output stays = ?      */ 
    /* ================================================================ */
    do viCounter = 1 to NUM-DBS by 1 :
        if ldbname(viCounter) = "Scba":U or
           ldbname(viCounter) = "FC":U
        then do :
            if DBTYPE(viCounter) = "Progress":U and 
               olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = ?
            then assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = true.
            if DBTYPE(viCounter) <> "Progress":U 
            then assign olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = false.
        end. /* ldbname(viCounter) = "Efas":U or ldbname(viCounter) = "FC":U */
    end. /* do viCounter = 1 to NUM-DBS */
    assign vlOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected = olOnlyProgressDatabasesConnected.