project BLF > class PTimeZone > method InitInstance
Set the value of "vcDefaultMfgProgram" before the <ANCESTOR-CODE>.
This method is executed when a new instance of the business class is started, or when a draft instance is opened (in that case a new instance is started which is a copy of the draft instance).
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program/ptimezone.p)
/* ======================================================================================= */
/* For the call to "authenticate" in this component (PAuthentication) we need to skip the */
/* InitInstance logic, as this is failing when we do not have a valid session established.*/
/* ======================================================================================= */
assign vcDefaultMfgProgram = "mfaspl.p":U
vlSkipInitInstanceAncestorCode = true.