project BLF > class PMfgPro > method StoreSIExceptions


Convert exceptions that were thrown via the exception manager to normal messages in tFcMessages.


oiReturnFromServiceoutputintegerThe return code from the MfgPro service
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method PMfgPro.CallService
method PMfgPro.StartQadAppServiceCaller

program code (program1/pmfgpro.p)

if not (valid-handle(izExceptionDS) and
        izExceptionDS:type = "DATASET")
then return.

assign oiReturnStatus = -98.

/* First check whether there is a record in the exception table */
assign vhTable = izExceptionDS:get-buffer-handle("temp_err_msg":U).
create query vhQuery in widget-pool "non-persistent".
vhQuery:forward-only = yes.
vhQuery:query-prepare("for each " + vhTable:table).
if not vhQuery:Query-Off-End
then do :
    assign vcProgram = <M-11 GetQADContextProperty  (input  'programName':U (icPropertyName)) in PMfgPro>.
    assign vcMethod = <M-12 GetQADContextProperty  (input  'methodName':U (icPropertyName)) in PMfgPro>.

    do while not vhQuery:Query-Off-End :

        assign vcContext = vhTable::tt_msg_context
               vcNbr     = vhTable::tt_msg_nbr
               vcDesc    = vhTable::tt_msg_desc
               vcData    = vhTable::tt_msg_data
               vcField   = vhTable::tt_msg_field
               vcIndex   = vhTable::tt_msg_index
               vcSev     = vhTable::tt_msg_sev.

        if vcContext = ? then vcContext = "".
        if vcNbr = ? then vcNbr = "".
        if vcDesc = ? then vcDesc = "".
        if vcData = ? then vcData = "".
        if vcField = ? then vcField = "".
        if vcIndex = ? then vcIndex = "".
        if vcSev = ? then vcSev = "".

        assign vcMessage = <M-9 GetExceptionMessageFromSINumber
                              (input  vcNbr (icQadNbr), 
                               input  vcDesc (icQadDesc), 
                               input  vcContext (icQadContext), 
                               input  vcData (icQadData), 
                               input  vcField (icQadField), 
                               input  vcIndex (icQadIndex), 
                               input  vcSev (icQadSev)) in PMfgPro>.
        Assign vcMsgContext = #T-10'The service interface returned the following error:':70(8160)T-10# + chr(10) +
                              "tt_msg_sev     = " + vcSev + chr(10) +
                              "tt_msg_nbr     = " + vcNbr + chr(10) +
                              "tt_msg_desc    = " + vcDesc + chr(10) +
                              "tt_msg_data    = " + vcData + chr(10) +
                              "tt_msg_context = " + vcContext + chr(10) +
                              "tt_msg_field   = " + vcField + chr(10) +
                              "tt_msg_index   = " + vcIndex   + chr(10) +
                              "program        = " + vcProgram + chr (10) +
                              "method         = " + vcMethod.

        Case Trim(vcSev):
            When '8':U
            Then Assign viMsgSeverity = 2
                        vcMsgType     = 'S':U.
            When '7':U
            Then Assign viMsgSeverity = 3
                        vcMsgType     = 'S':U.
            When '4':U
            Then Assign viMsgSeverity = 2
                        vcMsgType     = 'E':U.
            When '3':U
            Then Assign viMsgSeverity = 3
                        vcMsgType     = 'E':U.
            When '2':U
            Then Assign viMsgSeverity = 3
                        vcMsgType     = 'W':U.
            When '1':U
            Then Assign viMsgSeverity = 3
                        vcMsgType     = 'W':U.
            When '0':U
            Then Assign viMsgSeverity = 3
                        vcMsgType     = 'W':U.
            Otherwise Assign viMsgSeverity = 1
                             vcMsgType     = 'S':U.
        End Case.

        <M-8 run SetMessage
           (input  vcMessage (icMessage), 
            input  '' (icArguments), 
            input  '' (icFieldName), 
            input  '' (icFieldValue), 
            input  vcMsgType (icType), 
            input  viMsgSeverity (iiSeverity), 
            input  '' (icRowid), 
            input  'BLF-435':U:U (icFcMsgNumber), 
            input  substitute(#T-8'This message was generated by the QADAppServiceCaller.p (client part of the QAD Service Interface) when calling program (&1). method (&2).':200(9364)T-8#,vcProgram,vcMethod) (icFcExplanation), 
            input  '' (icFcIdentification), 
            input  vcMsgContext (icFcContext), 
            output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in PMfgPro>
        if vcSev = "2":U
        then if oiReturnFromService = 0
             then oiReturnFromService = 1.
        else if lookup (vcSev,"0,1":U) = 0
             then oiReturnFromService = -1.
delete object vhQuery.
assign oiReturnStatus = 0.