imAttachment | input | memptr | Memory pointer to the attachment. Use following construction to get a memory pointer for a certain file : FILE-INFO:FILE-NAME = "c:\temp\test.ppt". SET-SIZE(vmFile) = FILE-INFO:FILE-SIZE. INPUT FROM value("c:\temp\test.ppt") BINARY NO-CONVERT. IMPORT vmFile. INPUT CLOSE. |
icAttachmentName | input | character | Name of the attachment |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
do viCnt = 1 to 50 : if get-size(vmAttachmentStore[viCnt]) = 0 then do : assign vcAttachmentStore[viCnt] = icAttachmentName vmAttachmentStore[viCnt] = imAttachment. leave. end. end.