project BLF > include bFcStartInstance.i


Start a new instance of a business component, from another business component.

include parameters

&ADD-TO-TRANSACTIONEnter true if the started business instance will do database updates that must be part of the transaction in which current business instance is operating.
If current instance is not yet part of a transaction instance, a transaction instance will be started automatically, to which both instances will be added immediately.
Enter false or blanc in all other situations.
&CLASSclass short name
&ERROR-STATEMENTAction to take when an error occurred.

Internal usage

method BAccountingInterface.FillProDsBalanceSheet
method BAccountingInterface.FillProDsChartOfAccnt
method BAccountingInterface.FillProDsIncomeStatement

include code

run BusinessClassActions in {&TARGETPROCEDURE}
   (input        "{&CLASS}":U,
    input        "START":U,
    &IF "{&ADD-TO-TRANSACTION}" = ""
    &THEN input no,
    &IF "{&CLASS-REF}" = ""
    input-output vi{&CLASS}OC,
    input-output vh{&CLASS}Inst,
    input-output vi{&CLASS}Id,
    input-output vi{&CLASS-REF}OC,
    input-output vh{&CLASS-REF}Inst,
    input-output vi{&CLASS-REF}Id,
    input        "",
    input        "{&USER-DEFINED-CONTEXT}",
    output viFcIncludeReturn).
if viFcIncludeReturn <> 0
then oiReturnStatus = viFcIncludeReturn.
if viFcIncludeReturn < 0
then do:
    &IF "{&ERROR-STATEMENT}" = ""
    return ?.