project BLF > class Housekeeping > method GetKeyFields


Return the field names of primary index. In this implementation, only the "fcDaemon" table is supported.


bcTableNameinput-outputcharacterThe name of the table for which the key field information needs to be returned.
ocPrimaryKeyoutputcharacterA comma separated list of fields that make up the primary key.
ocAlternateKeyoutputcharacterA comma separated list of fields that make up the alternate key of the table.
ocObjectIDoutputcharacterThe name of the field that refers to the objectId field of the table.
ocObjectStatusoutputcharacterA comma separated list of fields that make up the ObjectStatus for the table.

Internal usage


program code (program1/housekeeping.p)

if bcTableName = "fcDaemon":U
then assign ocPrimaryKey = "DaemonId":U
            ocObjectID   = "DaemonId":U.