project BLF > class GeneratorStrings > method ApiQueryParameters


The only purpose of this method is to define the fixed public interface (on the business layer) of an API query (excluding API queries for reporting).


icApiLogininputcharacterapplication login : login name
(mandatory when parameter iiApiSessionId is zero)
icApiPasswordinputcharacterapplication login : password
(mandatory when parameter iiApiSessionId is zero)
icApiExtrainputcharacterapplication login : extra login info
iiApiSessionIdinputintegerapplication login : instance ID of a session with a valid login
icRangeinputcharacterRange of rows to return ('A'll, 'F'irst, 'L'ast)
icRowidinputcharacterWhen iiNumber is not zero, give the value of the tc_rowid field of last row of previous result set.
iiRowNuminputintegerWhen iiNumber is not zero, give the value of the ti_sequence field of last row of previous result set.
iiNumberinputintegerWhen icRange is 'A', give maximum number of rows to retrieve (zero = unlimited).
icSortColumnsinputcharacterVertical bar separated list of columns to sort by puls sort direction (A or D) : col1 | A | col2 | D | ...
When blanc, default sorting will be used.
ilCountOnlyinputlogicalWhen ilCountOnly is true, return the count of records only.
ilForwardReadinputlogicalWhen false, return records in reverse order.
iiMaximumBrowseRecordsToCountinputintegerWhen ilCountOnly is true, stop counting when this number is reached (zero = do not count anything).
izFilterDSinputdataset-handlefilter values for the query
oiCountoutputintegerReturns the number of records in the resultset (when ilCountOnly = true).
olEndOfQueryoutputlogicalTrue when the query returned last record of the result set.
ozResultsetDSoutputdataset-handlequery resultset
ozFcMessagesDSoutputdataset-handleerror messages
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program1/generatorstrings.p)