Method to stop the customization for a certain component. This makes sure that first, all active subscriptions of the customization code are undone (unsubscribed), the persistent procedure is removed from memory, and the internal temp-table holding the reference to the customization is cleared.
The persistent procedure that contains the customization code is removed from memory, and all associated events have been unsubscribed from.
Customized code for a business component is active. This means a customcode/<buscomp>.p procedure is persistent in memory, and linked to a component in the ComponentPool, and all necessary subscriptions are active.
ihProgram | input | handle | Handle to the standard component "program/<buscomp>.p" for which the customization needs to be stopped. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/customizationcontroller.p)
for each tCustomizationPool where tCustomizationPool.thProgram = ihProgram:
unsubscribe procedure tCustomizationPool.thCustImplementation all.
delete procedure tCustomizationPool.thCustImplementation.
delete tCustomizationPool.