icUserId | input | character | This is a mandatory parameter of any connect procedure of an appserver. In the current implemenation, we don't use this. It can be left blank with every connection to the appserver. |
icPassword | input | character | This is a mandatory parameter of any connect procedure of an appserver. In the current implemenation, we don't use this. It can be left blank with every connection to the appserver. |
icAppserverInfo | input | character | This is a mandatory parameter of any connect procedure of an appserver. The format that is expected is: "lng=<languagecode>,DebugLevel=<debuglevel>" |
/* reset */ etime(yes). assign session:server-connection-context = icAppserverInfo. /* activate.p is included here for state-reset (has no activate procedure) */ do viFcCount1 = num-entries(session:server-connection-context) to 1 by -1: if entry(viFcCount1,session:server-connection-context) begins "Lng=":U then assign current-language = substring(entry(viFcCount1,session:server-connection-context),5,-1,"CHARACTER":U). else if entry(viFcCount1,session:server-connection-context) begins "DebugLevel=":U then assign viAppserverDebugLevel = integer(substring(entry(viFcCount1,session:server-connection-context),12,-1,"CHARACTER":U)) no-error. end. /* code copied from generated instance programs (start) */ vlFcOk = no. publish "ComponentPoolIsRunning" (output vlFcOk). if vlFcOk = no then do: <M-1 run Main () in ComponentPool> session:add-super-procedure(vhFcComponent). end. run SetDebugLevelInPool (viAppserverDebugLevel, 0, no).