icName | input | character | The name of the cached date type item for which the value needs to be stored in the cache. |
itValue | input | date | The value of the cached date data item with the name specified in icDataItemName, that needs to get stored in the cache. |
iiSessionID | input | integer | ID of the session to which the data item belongs. Zero when the data item to store is not session dependent. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
if iiSessionID = 0 or iiSessionID = viCachedSessionID then do: find tCachedData where tCachedData.tcName = icName and tCachedData.tcDataType = "t" no-error. if not available tCachedData then do : create tCachedData. assign tCachedData.tcName = icName tCachedData.tcDataType = "t". end. assign tCachedData.ttDateValue = itValue tCachedData.tlSessionData = (iiSessionID <> 0). end.