project BLF > class Cacher > method GetLogicalValueFromSession


Return a cached session dependent logical value, based on the name that is passed as input parameter.


iiSessionIdinputintegerThe unique ID of the session this method needs to use to retrieve the correct value of an session dependent cached data item.
icDataItemNameinputcharacterThe name of the session dependent cached logical type item for which the value needs to be returned.
olValueoutputlogicalThe value of the cached session dependent logical data item with the name specified in icDataItemName.
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method database.ValidateActivityCode
method BResource.AdditionalUpdates
method BResource.ApiSynchronize
method BRole.ApiLoadRoles

method BCOAMask.InitInstance
method BCOAMask.ReadSetupForCompany
method BCostCentre.ApiSelectCostCentreCOAMask
method BDivision.ApiSelectDivisionCOAMask
method BPosting.PreSaveValidate
method BOpenItemAdjustment.InitInstance
method BProject.ApiSelectProjectCOAMask
method PGTM.InitInstance

program code (program1/cacher.p)

<M-4 run UpdateSessionData (input  iiSessionId (iiSessionId), 
                            output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in Cacher>
if oiReturnStatus <> 0 then return.

find tCachedData where
     tCachedData.tcName = icDataItemName and
     tCachedData.tcDataType = "l"
if available tCachedData
then assign olValue = tCachedData.tlLogValue.
else assign olValue = ?.