field name | data type | description |
tcParentTable | character | Parent table of a custom relation. This should be formatted as a class table, meaning "t<databasetablename>", for example "tCurrency", where "Currency" is the physical database table name. |
tcChildTable | character | Child table of a custom relation. This should always point to one of the custom tables in the component. Possible values can be "tCustomTable0", "tCustomTable1" or "tCustomTable2". |
tcChildTableDescription | character | The description, or meaning, that is given to the child table of a custom relation. This is how a customization developer gives the meaning to one of the custom tables "tCustomTable0", "tCustomTable1" or "tCustomTable2". |
tlIsOneToOne | logical | This field indicates whether the relation is a 1-1 relation. This relation will be recognized by the UI design mode and makes it possible to put business fields of the custom table specified in tcChildTable directly on the form on the same level of the business fields of the table specified in tcparentTable. If the value of this field is "false/no", then a 1-n relationship is assumed, and the UI design mode will only provide a possibility to represent the table as a grid on the screen. |