project BLF > class BTimeOutDaemonProcessor > method StartDaemonComponent


This method should be overridden in the specific daemon processor component.
It should start the daemon business component instance and return its handle.


ohDaemonoutputhandleHandle to the daemon instance
ohDaemonQueueoutputhandleHandle to the DaemonQueue component
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage


program code (program/btimeoutdaemonprocessor.p)


/* Start Daemon and DaemonQueue and return their handles */
<I-1 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
            &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "False"
            &CLASS              = "BTimeOutDaemon"}>    
assign ohDaemon = vhBTimeOutDaemonInst.

<I-2 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
            &ADD-TO-TRANSACTION = "False"
            &CLASS              = "BTimeOutDaemonQueue"}>
assign ohDaemonQueue = vhBTimeOutDaemonQueueInst.