project BLF > class BSODViolationRule1 > business logic query ViolationsResourcesByRole
query condition
each SODViolation1 where
SODViolation1.Role_ID = iiRoleID
first SODCategory1 (inner-join) where
SODCategory1.SODCategory_ID = SODViolation1.SODCategory1_ID AND
first SODCategory2 (inner-join) where
SODCategory2.SODCategory_ID = SODViolation1.SODCategory2_ID AND
first SODExclusion (inner-join) where
SODExclusion.SODCategory1_ID = SODViolation1.SODCategory1_ID AND
SODExclusion.SODCategory2_ID = SODViolation1.SODCategory2_ID AND
each SODViolation1R (inner-join) where
SODViolation1R.SODViolation1_ID = SODViolation1.SODViolation1_ID AND
first Resources (inner-join) where
Resources.Resource_ID = SODViolation1R.Resource_ID AND
query resultset tqViolationsResourcesByRole
field name | data type | db field | description |
tcResourceLabel | character | Resources.ResourceLabel | Resource Label |
tcResourceURI | character | Resources.ResourceURI | Universal Resource Identification |
tiSODCategory_ID | integer | SODCategory1.SODCategory_ID | record ID |
tiSODCategory_ID1 | integer | SODCategory2.SODCategory_ID | record ID |
tcSODCategoryCode1 | character | SODCategory1.SODCategoryCode | SOD category code |
tcSODCategoryCode2 | character | SODCategory2.SODCategoryCode | SOD category code |
tcSODCategoryDescription1 | character | SODCategory1.SODCategoryDescription | SOD category description |
tcSODCategoryDescription2 | character | SODCategory2.SODCategoryDescription | SOD category description |
tcSODExclusionLevel | character | SODExclusion.SODExclusionLevel | Exclusion Level |
tiSODViolation1RCategory | integer | SODViolation1R.SODViolation1RCategory | Category nbr (1 or 2) |
Internal usage