project BLF > class BSharedSet > business logic query SharedSetByIDCodeType
Shared Set By ID, Code, Type, IsActive
icSharedSetCode | character | Shared set code |
ilSharedSetIsActive | logical | Shared set is active |
icSharedSetTypeCode | character | Shared set type |
iiSharedSetID | integer | |
query condition
each SharedSet where
SharedSet.SharedSetCode = icSharedSetCode AND
SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode = icSharedSetTypeCode AND
SharedSet.SharedSetIsActive = ilSharedSetIsActive AND
SharedSet.SharedSet_ID = iiSharedSetID
query sort order
SharedSet.SharedSetCode (ascending)
query resultset tqSharedSetByIDCodeType
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiSharedSet_ID | integer | SharedSet.SharedSet_ID | Record ID |
tcSharedSetCode | character | SharedSet.SharedSetCode | Shared Set Code |
tcSharedSetDescription | character | SharedSet.SharedSetDescription | Shared Set Description |
tcSharedSetTypeCode | character | SharedSet.SharedSetTypeCode | Shared Set Type |
tlSharedSetIsActive | logical | SharedSet.SharedSetIsActive | Active |
Internal usage