project BLF > class BResource > method SetReportCBF
Link user-defined fields available on a report to a custom field in the report resultset.
This method should only be used on reports designed in QRF, not on reports designed in Crystal Reports, as this information will be stored in the report variant for those reports. Reports in QRF do not have a report variant.
iiResourceId | input | integer | |
tReportCBF | input | temp-table | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program1/bresource.p)
<Q-79 run ResourceLabels (all) (Read) (NoCache)
(input iiResourceId, (ResourceId)
output dataset tqResourceLabels) in BResource>
find first tqResourceLabels where tqResourceLabels.tiResource_ID = iiResourceId no-error.
if available tqResourceLabels
then do:
<I-3 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BReportVariant"}>
<M-61 run SetReportCBF
(input tqResourceLabels.tiBusActivity_ID (iiBusActivityID),
input tReportCBF (tRptReportCBF),
output oiReturnStatus (oiReturnStatus)) in BReportVariant>
<I-57 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BReportVariant"}>