project BLF > class BReportDaemonProcessor > method StartDaemonProcessorInstance
This main method contains the generic logic for the processing of a daemon.
It implements the flow of any daemon process.
For the specific daemon implementation, the data item "vcFcDaemonName" must be specified before the <ANCESTOR-CODE> section.
ocErrorMessage | output | character | Error message produced by the daemon processor. |
ilStop | input | logical | Stop the daemon? |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program/breportdaemonprocessor.p)
/* Reset the .Net report service information if necessary */
if vlReportServiceUnavailable
then do:
<I-2 {bFcStartAndOpenInstance
&CLASS = "BReportDaemon"}>
<M-1 run UpdateSocketInformation
(input '' (icSocketHost),
input 0 (iiSocketPort),
input '' (icReportServiceGlobalSessionId),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BReportDaemon>
<I-3 {bFcCloseAndStopInstance
&CLASS = "BReportDaemon"}>