iiCompanyId | integer | Company id |
icNumbrStatus | character | Comma-separated list of {&NUMBERSTATUS-xxxx}-values. |
iiNumbrYear | integer | |
icNumbrType | character |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCompany_ID | integer | Numbr.Company_ID | Entity |
tiNumbrYear | integer | Numbr.NumbrYear | Year |
tcNumbrType | character | Numbr.NumbrType | Type |
tiNumbr | integer | Numbr.Numbr | Number |
tcNumbrStatus | character | Numbr.NumbrStatus | possible values: FREE Every sequence (combination of company + year + sequence type) always has exactly one 'FREE' status record. This record indicates the next available number and will be increased by one whenever this number is used in a transaction. CLAIMED This record indicates a number that is claimed by an ongoing transaction. This record will be deleted when the transaction is committed. When a transaction ends abnormally without releasing it's claimed numbers, the housekeeping process will set the status of these records to 'RELEASED'. RELEASED This record indicates a number that was claimed by a cancelled transaction. This record can be 'CLAIMED' by other transactions. DRAFT This record indicates a number that is claimed by draft business objects (see table fcDraftInstance). |
tlNumbrIsActive | logical | Numbr.NumbrIsActive | Inactive sequences cannot be used in a transaction. |
ti_sequence | integer | calculated | primary index |
tc_rowid | character | calculated | = rowid(Numbr) |