Dummy method, just to be able to define callback procedures for the SAX handler
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |
Internal usage
program code (program9/bfctranslation.p)
PROCEDURE StartElement:
define input parameter icNameSpace as character no-undo.
define input parameter icLocalName as character no-undo.
define input parameter icQName as character no-undo.
define input parameter ihAttributes as handle no-undo.
run StartElementInternal (input vhTargetProcedure,
input icNameSpace,
input icLocalName,
input icQName,
input ihAttributes).
end procedure.
define input parameter icNameSpace as character no-undo.
define input parameter icLocalName as character no-undo.
define input parameter icQName as character no-undo.
define VARIABLe vcMessage as CHARACTER no-undo.
run EndElementInternal (input vhTargetProcedure,
input icNameSpace,
input icLocalName,
input icQName,
output vcMessage).
/* return error produces undesired results
if vcMessage <> ""
then return error vcMessage.
end procedure.
PROCEDURE Characters:
define input parameter imCharData as memptr no-undo.
define input parameter iiChars as integer no-undo.
run CharactersInternal (input vhTargetProcedure,
input imCharData,
input iiChars).