icTableName | character | |
icComponentName | character |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiCustomField_ID | integer | CustomField.CustomField_ID | Record ID |
tcCustomFieldColumnLabel | character | CustomField.CustomFieldColumnLabel | Column Label |
tcCustomFieldDataType | character | CustomField.CustomFieldDataType | possible values: c (character) d (decimal) i (integer) l (logical) t (date) |
tcCustomFieldDescription | character | CustomField.CustomFieldDescription | Description |
tcCustomFieldDisplayFormat | character | CustomField.CustomFieldDisplayFormat | progress style display format |
tiCustomFieldDisplayLength | integer | CustomField.CustomFieldDisplayLength | maximum number of characters (or digits for numerics) in the field value |
tcCustomFieldFieldName | character | CustomField.CustomFieldFieldName | field name in the class dataset |
tlCustomFieldIsMandatory | logical | CustomField.CustomFieldIsMandatory | Mandatory |
tiCustomFieldPrecision | integer | CustomField.CustomFieldPrecision | maximum number of digits right of the decimal poiunt (decimal only) |
tcCustomFieldSideLabel | character | CustomField.CustomFieldSideLabel | Side Label |
tcCustomFieldSSReturnField | character | CustomField.CustomFieldSSReturnField | Name of the return field, in case a lookup function is defined on the custom business field |
tcCustomFieldUIControlType | character | CustomField.CustomFieldUIControlType | default control type when adding the field on a user interface |
tcCustomFieldValueListChoice | character | CustomField.CustomFieldValueListChoice | (unused) |
tiStoredSearch_ID | integer | CustomField.StoredSearch_ID | Stored Search |