icRange | input | character | Range of rows to return ('A'll, 'F'irst, 'L'ast) |
icRowid | input | character | when iiNumber is not zero, give the value of the tc_rowid field of last row of previous result set |
iiRowNum | input | integer | when iiNumber is not zero, give the value of the ti_sequence field of last row of previous result set |
iiNumber | input | integer | when icRange is 'A', give maximum number of rows to retrieve (zero = unlimited) |
icSortColumns | input | character | |
ilCountOnly | input | logical | when true, only return number of records in the resultset |
ilForwardRead | input | logical | when false, return records in reverse order |
iiMaximumBrowseRecordsToCount | input | integer | When ilCountOnly is true, stop counting when this number is reached (zero = do not count anything) |
tFilter | input | temp-table | |
oiCount | output | integer | return number of records in resultset (when ilCountOnly = true) |
olEndOfQuery | output | logical | query returned last record of the result set |
ozApiSelectCustom | output | dataset-handle | |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | Return status of the method. |