iiDaemonId | integer | ID of the daemon |
icDaemonQueueStatus | character | DaemonQueueStatus |
field name | data type | db field | description |
tiDaemonId | integer | fcDaemonQueue.DaemonId | Daemon ID |
tiDaemonQueueId | integer | fcDaemonQueue.DaemonQueueId | identifier |
tiDaemonQueueLockedProcess | integer | fcDaemonQueue.DaemonQueueLockedProcess | process ID of the daemon process that is handling this request |
tiDaemonQueuePriority | integer | fcDaemonQueue.DaemonQueuePriority | defines the sequence of processing requests in a single loop (also see fcdaemon.DaemonNrOfRequestsInLoop) |
ttDaemonQueueReqStartDate | date | fcDaemonQueue.DaemonQueueReqStartDate | the request will not be processed before this date and time |
tiDaemonQueueReqStartTime | integer | fcDaemonQueue.DaemonQueueReqStartTime | the request will not be processed before this date and time |
tcDaemonQueueStatus | character | fcDaemonQueue.DaemonQueueStatus | possible values: WAITING IN-PROCESS PROCESSED-OK PROCESSED-ERROR |