field name | data type | description |
tcFcBusMethod | character | Business method that is the origin of the error |
tcFcContext | character | extra context info |
tcFcExplanation | character | extra explanation info |
tcFcFieldLabel | character | Label of the database field, used in case the field has no corresponding control on the user interface. |
tcFcFieldName | character | Can contain the name of a database field or a public data item. With this, the error can be linked to a specific input field on the user interface. |
tcFcFieldValue | character | Can contain the value of the database field or public data item to which to error is linked. Warning: for some control types screen-value may be different from the data value. |
tcFcIdentification | character | extra identification info |
tcFcMessage | character | the message string |
tcFcMsgNumber | character | unique reference to locate the error message in the business source code |
tcFcRowid | character | Can contain the value of tc_Rowid to identify a record in the class temp-tables that caused the error. |
tiFcSeverity | integer | Severity of the errror. 1 = critical 2 = high 3 = normal 4 = low |
tcFcType | character | Type of message. E (user-correctable error) D (non-correctable error) W (warning) |