project BLF > class BBaseDaemonProcessor > method PerformWorkItem


This is the method that contains the call to the specific method in the appropriate class to perform the request.
This method should be extended on the specific daemon level.
In order to have a proper logging of the errors/warnings you get from the business method that is used for processing the work, you need to fill in tPassMessages temp-table parameter, as a copy of tFcMessages from the called business component.


iiDaemonQueueIdinputintegerID of the daemon queue record that indicates the work that needs to be done.
olSuccessoutputlogicalWas the operation successful?
oiReturnStatusoutputintegerReturn status of the method.

Internal usage

method BBaseDaemonProcessor.LoopForWork

program code (program1/bbasedaemonprocessor.p)