project BLF > class BBaseDaemon > business logic query DaemonInfo


Query returning all information about the daemon


iiDaemonIdintegerDaemon id
icDaemonNamecharacterName of the daemon
icDaemonStatuscharacterStatus of the daemon
icDaemonStatusDiffersFromcharacterStatus the real daemon status has to be different from.

query condition

  each fcDaemon where
fcDaemon.DaemonId = iiDaemonId AND
fcDaemon.DaemonName = icDaemonName and
fcDaemon.DaemonStatus can-do icDaemonStatus and
fcDaemon.DaemonStatus <> icDaemonStatusDiffersFrom

query resultset tqDaemonInfo

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tcDaemonAppservercharacterfcDaemon.DaemonAppserverprogress appserver URL
When empty, the daemon process will run locally
tiDaemonIntervalintegerfcDaemon.DaemonIntervalamount of seconds to wait before looking for new tasks
tlDaemonKeepProcessedOKItemslogicalfcDaemon.DaemonKeepProcessedOKItemsWhen set to true, records in the fcdaemonqueue table will not be deleted.
When set to false, records with status 'PROCESSED-OK' will be deleted.
ttDaemonLastEndDatedatefcDaemon.DaemonLastEndDateLast End Date
tiDaemonLastEndTimeintegerfcDaemon.DaemonLastEndTimeEnd Time of Last Daemon Run
tcDaemonLastEndTimeQInfoCalccharactercalculatedDaemonLastStartTimeCalc for query tqDaemonInfo
ttDaemonLastStartDatedatefcDaemon.DaemonLastStartDateLast Start Date
tiDaemonLastStartTimeintegerfcDaemon.DaemonLastStartTimeStart Time of Last Daemon Run
tcDaemonLogFilecharacterfcDaemon.DaemonLogFilelog file with all error messages and other messages from the daemon process
tcDaemonLogincharacterfcDaemon.DaemonLoginlogin name to use to log in to the application
tiDaemonLogLevelintegerfcDaemon.DaemonLogLevelDaemon Log Level
tiDaemonMaxNumberOfInstancesintegerfcDaemon.DaemonMaxNumberOfInstancesnumber of processes to start when starting the daemon
tcDaemonNamecharacterfcDaemon.DaemonNameDaemon Name
tiDaemonNrOfRequestsInLoopintegerfcDaemon.DaemonNrOfRequestsInLoopthe daemon process will pause each time this number of tasks has been processed
tcDaemonOsCommandcharacterfcDaemon.DaemonOsCommandcommand line to start a daemon process
Points to the progress run-time and may contain extra startup parameters, excluding parameters that will be added by default (-ininame -param -p -b).
Tag <DaemonExecutable> will be replaced with the actual value read from server.xml.
When empty, default value is 'D_<appservername>_<daemonname>(.exe)' (the progress run-time is copied to a file with this name). This way the daemon processes can be easily recognised in the process list.
tcDaemonPasswordcharacterfcDaemon.DaemonPassword(encoded) password to use to log in to the application
tcDaemonProcessIDscharacterfcDaemon.DaemonProcessIDsprocess ID numbers of the daemon processes
tiDaemonRunningProcessesintegerfcDaemon.DaemonRunningProcessesnumber of processes currently running this daemon
tcDaemonStartDirectorycharacterfcDaemon.DaemonStartDirectoryworking directory for the daemon processes
tcDaemonStatuscharacterfcDaemon.DaemonStatusindicates the active status of the daemon
When set to 'STOPPING' all processes running this daemon will end.

possible statuses:

Internal usage

method business.InitInstance
method BApplicationProperty.APIGetAppServerInformation
method BBaseDaemon.ApiMonitor
method BBaseDaemon.ApiValidateStatus
method BBaseDaemonProcessor.Initialize
method BXmlDaemon.ApiMonitorXml
method TDaemonUtility.GetAppserverConnection
method TDaemonUtility.GetDaemonLogFileInternal
method TDaemonUtility.GetDaemonProcessInfo
method TDaemonUtility.GetDaemonStatus
dataset BBaseDaemon.tfcDaemonMonitor