project BLF > class BBaseDaemon > business logic query DaemonByNameStatusNbrInst


DaemonByNameStatusNbrInst; Simple query on table Daemon with some conditions on the main fields including special operators


icDaemonNameDifferscharacterIf you fill a value for this param then you will get back only those records whose name differs from the passed value
icDaemonStatusDifferscharacterIf you fill a value for this param then you will get back only those records whose status differs from the passed value
iiMaxNbrOfInstancesAtLeastintegerIf you fill a value for this param then you will get back only those records whose property MaxNbrOfInstances is higher than the passed value

query condition

  each fcDaemon where
fcDaemon.DaemonName = icDaemonName AND
fcDaemon.DaemonName <> icDaemonNameDiffers AND
fcDaemon.DaemonStatus = icDaemonStatus AND
fcDaemon.DaemonStatus <> icDaemonStatusDiffers AND
fcDaemon.DaemonMaxNumberOfInstances = iiMaxNbrOfInstances AND
fcDaemon.DaemonMaxNumberOfInstances >= iiMaxNbrOfInstancesAtLeast

query resultset tqDaemonByNameStatusNbrInst

field namedata typedb fielddescription
tcDaemonNamecharacterfcDaemon.DaemonNameDaemon Name
tiDaemonIntervalintegerfcDaemon.DaemonIntervalamount of seconds to wait before looking for new tasks
tcDaemonStatuscharacterfcDaemon.DaemonStatusindicates the active status of the daemon
When set to 'STOPPING' all processes running this daemon will end.

possible statuses:
tiDaemonMaxNumberOfInstancesintegerfcDaemon.DaemonMaxNumberOfInstancesnumber of processes to start when starting the daemon
tcDaemonProcessIDscharacterfcDaemon.DaemonProcessIDsprocess ID numbers of the daemon processes
tiDaemonRunningProcessesintegerfcDaemon.DaemonRunningProcessesnumber of processes currently running this daemon
tcDaemonLogincharacterfcDaemon.DaemonLoginlogin name to use to log in to the application
tcDaemonOsCommandcharacterfcDaemon.DaemonOsCommandcommand line to start a daemon process
Points to the progress run-time and may contain extra startup parameters, excluding parameters that will be added by default (-ininame -param -p -b).
Tag <DaemonExecutable> will be replaced with the actual value read from server.xml.
When empty, default value is 'D_<appservername>_<daemonname>(.exe)' (the progress run-time is copied to a file with this name). This way the daemon processes can be easily recognised in the process list.
tcDaemonAppservercharacterfcDaemon.DaemonAppserverprogress appserver URL
When empty, the daemon process will run locally

Internal usage

method BBaseDaemonProcessor.LoopForWorkAutoRecoverDaemons