project BLF > class BBaseDaemon > method InitialValues
Add code here to initialize the calculated fields of a 'new' record (= a record that must be created in the application database) in a class temp-table.
icTableName | input | character | Name of the database table of which a record is created in the class temp-table. |
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | |
Internal usage
program code (program/bbasedaemon.p)
/* Assign defaults and fixed values for new records */
if icTableName = "fcDaemon":U
then do:
<M-4 run GetEnvVars
(output tfcDaemon.tcEnvRoot (ocEnvRoot),
output tfcDaemon.tcEnvAppServerURL (ocEnvAppServerURL),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBaseDaemon>
assign tfcDaemon.DaemonName = vcFcDaemonName
tfcDaemon.DaemonStatus = {&DAEMONSTATUS-INACTIVE}
tfcDaemon.DaemonInterval = 10
tfcDaemon.DaemonLogFile = "$ENVROOT/logs/" + vcFcDaemonName + ".log":U
tfcDaemon.DaemonKeepProcessedOKItems = no
tfcDaemon.DaemonNrOfRequestsInLoop = 999999
tfcDaemon.DaemonOsCommand = {&DAEMONOSCOMMAND-CONSTANT}
tfcDaemon.DaemonStartDirectory = "$ENVROOT/daemons/" + vcFcDaemonName
tfcDaemon.DaemonAppserver = "$ENVAPPSERVERURL".
<Q-1 run SystBySystAdminUser (all) (Read) (NoCache) (output dataset tqSystBySystAdminUser) in BSystem >
for each tqSystBySystAdminUser where
tqSystBySystAdminUser.tcUsrLogin <> ? on error undo, throw:
assign tfcDaemon.DaemonLogin = tqSystBySystAdminUser.tcUsrLogin
tfcDaemon.DaemonPassword = tqSystBySystAdminUser.tcSystAdminUserPwd.