project BLF > class BBaseDaemon > method Calculate
Add code here to initialize the calculated fields of the class temp-tables after loading existing records from the application database.
oiReturnStatus | output | integer | |
Internal usage
program code (program/bbasedaemon.p)
for each tfcDaemon where
tfcDaemon.tc_Status <> 'D':U on error undo, throw:
if vlDataLoadKeepPrevious and can-find (tAlreadyCalculatedRecords where
tAlreadyCalculatedRecords.tcTableName = "fcDaemon" and
tAlreadyCalculatedRecords.tc_Rowid = tfcDaemon .tc_Rowid)
then next.
/* Convert Time Fields to format 99:99:99 */
assign tfcDaemon.tcDaemonLastStartTimeConv =
string(trunc(tfcDaemon.DaemonLastStartTime / 3600, 0), "99":U) + ":":U + /* Hours */
string(trunc((tfcDaemon.DaemonLastStartTime modulo 3600) / 60, 0), "99":U) + ":":U + /* Minutes */
string((tfcDaemon.DaemonLastStartTime modulo 3600) modulo 60, "99":U) /* Seconds */
tfcDaemon.tcDaemonLastEndTimeConv =
string(trunc(tfcDaemon.DaemonLastEndTime / 3600, 0), "99":U) + ":":U + /* Hours */
string(trunc((tfcDaemon.DaemonLastEndTime modulo 3600) / 60, 0), "99":U) + ":":U + /* Minutes */
string((tfcDaemon.DaemonLastEndTime modulo 3600) modulo 60, "99":U). /* Seconds */
<M-3 run GetEnvVars
(output tfcDaemon.tcEnvRoot (ocEnvRoot),
output tfcDaemon.tcEnvAppServerURL (ocEnvAppServerURL),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in BBaseDaemon>
assign vhFcComponent = ?.
<M-2 run MainBlock () in TCrypt>
assign vhCrypthandle = vhFcComponent.
for each tfcDaemon on error undo, throw:
if vlDataLoadKeepPrevious and can-find (tAlreadyCalculatedRecords where
tAlreadyCalculatedRecords.tcTableName = "fcDaemon" and
tAlreadyCalculatedRecords.tc_Rowid = tfcDaemon .tc_Rowid)
then next.
<M-5 run DecryptString
(input tfcDaemon.DaemonPassword (icInputString),
output tfcDaemon.DaemonPassword (ocOutputString),
output viFcReturnSuper (oiReturnStatus)) in TCrypt>
if vhCrypthandle <> ?
then do:
run gipr_DeleteProcedure in vhCrypthandle.
delete procedure vhCrypthandle.
end finally.